CHAPTER 3(I found my opponent)

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"Sage,seems like I have to go to the country side for some two weeks."
"Why father?"

Like you don't know

"Some important work came up in church and I have to handle this in absence of Father Thomas."
"Oh!! Okay father."
" But you know in my absence you have to take care of the church and the house."
"I will father don't worry."

Ofcourse father don't worry I am here I will take care of your daughter.

"Have a safe journey father."
"Then I will see you after two weeks." Harrison says this while he proceeds to leave.

Why two weeks why not two years?

"Who cares atleast I'll be at peace for two weeks."

Peace? I thought you and me had many unfinished tasks to complete

" I do remember that and it's only me who's gonna do everything not you so shut up."

There was a knock on the door.

Don't tell me your father came back this early did he really said two weeks or two minutes?

"No, it can't be father I saw him boarding a taxi."

Sage opens the door.
There were three people two men and a woman. The woman looked like somewhat four or five years older than Sage, her young brown piercing eyes were just gazing at Sage the dark brown hair tied up in a tight bun and her formal uniform made her look quite sophisticated but one thing was for sure she wasn't American because her facial features were that of an Asian.
The man standing beside her had spectacles covering his green emareld eyes but that's what made him look sexy, he was dressed quite nicely, with neat blonde hair but all three of them were actually dressed kind of same.

The third guy who actually looked like there boss because he was the only one who was wearing a long coat over his black jeans and black shirt. The light brown but perfectly trimmed beard made him look aged but maybe he was somewhat between 25 or 30.
He was the one who spoke first,his tone was more polite that usually adults use while talking to a teen specially a girl.

"Good afternoon young lady, is Father Simmons home?"He spoke
"May I know who is asking for him?"
"Myself Bradford Douglas, and these are my subordinates Sandra Park and Austin Santner we are from the special crime branch unit of police." He said after showing his I'd card.
"Ohh!! So you are a police officer."

What did your father do that the police is here now to get him?

( Who knows but this is not the right time.)

"Yeah?? We are now can we meet him?"The lady was the rudest among them.
"I am sorry miss but my father ain't home,he just left for countryside regarding some work."
"Ohh!! Can we communicate with him via any means you see it's kinda important."The blonde one spoke he was a modest one.
"Okay, come inside let me make a quick call to him."
"Well,who are you?"Bradford asked
"I m his daughter, my name is Sage."
"Oh well i was looking forward to talk to you too."Sandra said
"Yes, ofcourse we will definitely talk to to your father but you can be of some help too."
"But what is the matter officer?"
"You know Father Jeff Thomas, right?"
"Ofcourse,I do."
"He was murdered." Again the rude time.
"Yes, before it looked like that he died of a heart attack but the autopsy report says something else." Austin was really calm maybe he was just too polite in between those rude brats.
"What do you mean?" Sage was never shocked neither she was scared but a calmness stays on her face always.
"It says that he was choked to death."
"Choked, you mean someone choked him with hands."
"Maybe but more of like it seems like a pillow was used to douse him which made him suffocate and die because there were no marks on his neck."
"Ohh my god."
"Sir, do you think it is correct to tell a child all this?"
"Ofcourse, don't you know kids these days are more mature than us." I don't know why was she being like this or does she just simply didn't like me?
"But what does all of this have anything to do with my father?"

Oh!!! You're really good at pretending how much you concern about your father. I m impressed.

"Because, Father Simmons was the closest person to him,he must know if someone had any grudge against Father Thomas or any kind of suspect."
"Well, I think you can also help us." Sandra said
"Umm hmm, I heard that Father Simmons's daughter mourned for Father Thomas a whole day without eating or drinking, this kind of dedication can only be seen from a teen when he or she is actually really close to the deceased."
" Let me help you clear your confusion I wasn't but my father was that's why he wanted his whole family to pay respect to Father Thomas and you see I am his only family so this was the scenario."

Hey I m hurt I thought I was a part of your family too.

"So you are saying you don't feel pity for Father Thomas?"
"Did I say that? It's not like you are close to everyone whom you meet frequently."
"Sage right? See sage don't be angry you know Father Thomas was such a preached personality and we need to find the one who did this to him before more people gets to know about this." Bradford spoke for the first time when he was done observing the house.
"Officer, as far as I know I don't think someone had any grudge against him and as you mentioned earlier why would someone dare to kill a person who had made such a reputation in the society.
Ofcourse he was a great personality and you are trying so hard to find the culprit because you must have such pressure from your seniors but think about it what if there was someone else other than him then would you have tried this hard then too, would you still be this desperate?"
"Are you accusing us on something or what?"
"I guess you have some old grudge miss, I don't know why you are blaming the whole department but let me tell you even if there would have been a begger rather than a priest I would have still been this desperate."

Seems like he isn't going to be the prey of your act of pretending.

The phone rang at the perfect time otherwise there would have been definitely a fight between Sandra and Sage.
"Yes, father there are some police officers seems like they want to talk to you about something on Father Thomas."
The whole time Bradford was talking to Father Simmons, Sandra and Sage were just giving death stares to each other.

Bradford keeps the phone down" Fine I think we have got the answers for now."
"Fine, then how about you guys leave now."
"We are sorry Sage if we have offended you in any way, but we were just doing our duty."Austin was literally saying sorry when he didn't even did something.
"I know that but it would have been a little better if some of your officers would have been a little bit modest." She says this while giving a side eye to Sandra.
"What do you mean huh??"Sandra said
"Enough Ms. Park I think you have much better things to do then arguing here."
"I do ofcourse I m not that free to argue with some teen."
"Maybe we'll see each other again in some time."
"I thought you had cleared all your doubts."
"Maybe the time period in which your father will return we'll grow some more doubts."
"Let's go everyone ,Thank you Sage."
Bradford says this while leaving, the other two follows him that's when Sage speaks again.

"I know there must be tremendous pressure on you because of this case as Father Thomas was a person with zero haters and people actually worshipped him nothing less than god but still I would like to ask you that reconsider all of these opinions because they're actually opinions not facts.
And a person's personality in our eyes is generally the opinions we always hear but not the facts we never know.
So, make yourself sure that the person you are trying so hard to get justice is even actually worth it or not. I hope you understand Mr. Douglas."
"I think I can, let's go."
" Officers I think we'll be coming here more often than."
"Why sir?"
" The girl knows much more than her age."

Woahh!!! You are really good at handling situations like these you actually made them believe, that Thomas was not a person kind of person they think .

" I definitely am and it was not me who made them believe that but they already believed that even before coming here."

How do you know that?

" No need for you to know that."

So what do you think will these officers be able to find the truth?

" I can bet the other two won't be able to but I m not sure about that Bradford Maybe or maybe not let's see."

But I m sure about the one thing , this game is going to be such a fun to watch because both of the players now know whom they're competing with and both of them are actually really strong competitors.

" No matter how much strong he is but if he tried to get involved too much then he will pay for that accordingly."Sage said that with a mild smirk.

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