CHAPTER 4(Is she hiding something?)

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"Candace?"Mr Anthony called.
"Absent sir"
"Why is she absent from such a long time, it's been more than a week can anyone find out please." He says ending with a sigh.
"Hey, Eris isn't it strange like Candace always use to come to school regularly and now she's been missing school for a whole week."Christabel leans to Eris's desk while asking
" So what ,do you care if she comes or not?"Eris gave her a side eye.
"Still I think she ain't coming to school since we saw her last week remember outside the parr.."
Before Christabel could complete her sentence Eris interrupted her.
"Shut up Christabel, this is not something you should just say like this just keep it low."Eris was tensed it could be seen in her eyes because it's very rare that she calls Christabel with her full name.
"Why?? It's not like we are related to her in some manner and I think this does not make any change if we have seen her or not."
"What happen what are you guys hissing about??"Sage asks while poking her head in between both of their shoulders.
" Nothing, Christy just wanted to learn some flirting skills."
Christabel's eyes were wide open but Eris's stare had that look for her keep it down sis please with some extra desperation.
"Really?? Then I am sorry Christabel you have chosen a very bad person for such advice." Benson says while giving a hysterical laugh.
"Do you wanna die dickhead huh?? If not me then who's the best one here to give such advice, because there's no chance that it's you." Eris says while showing the finger to Benson.
Christabel and Sage are familiar with Benson and Eris always insulting each other and all they can do it just a sigh.
"I hope the fantastic four of our class have ended their meeting so can we proceed now?"Mr Anthony raised his one eyebrow.
"You see he's so cute no??"Eris says while cupping her cheeks with her hands.
"Are you serious Eris I thought you were over from your silly crush." Christabel rolls her eyes.
" Silly crush I thought you were my bestfriend Christy leave everyone but I thought you wil understand me don't you know how much I like him there's no one in this damn school who can be smart and Intelligent together other than Mr. Anthony Karlson." Her eyes keeps widening and she keeps leaning on her table.
"Yeahh!! Did you listen to that and you were saying that you'll get to learn some flirting tricks from a girl who's crushing over a 30 year old man." Benson mocks while scribbling on his paper.
"28!! You asshole, it's just we have a ten year age gap doesn't matter no!!" Eris asks for confirmation by looking at Sage.
"Woahh!! You're looking to me as if I have experience in dating old men." Sage gets confused.
"You guys are so old fashioned , there's no wrong that I like someone a older than me you should be thankful atleast I am not telling you about someone from the same gender.
And it's just a little age difference nothing else."
" JUST A LITTLE" All three of them gasps together while seizing her with their intense looks.
"Leave it you guys will never understand just study let me have a look at my future one."she says shyly.
"Are you sure she's in her right mind??" Sage narrows her head towards Christabel.
"Like she ever was." Benson speaks in between.
And everyone gave a nod of approval.

"Mr. Anthony, you need to come over please." It was our another professor which Eris just hated because she thinks there's definitely something going on between her and Mr. Anthony but Ms. Pearson was actually very tensed.
" Umm!! miss but i am between my class."
" Kids I think your class is over now you all can move."
We all don't even need a second to process the thought or think about the reason it was like a wish being granted for us and we all just rushed out.
"Seems like there is a problem in our school, do you think it's gonna close down now??" Benson's eyes were wide
"Huh!! seems like your father ain't interesting in running the school now when his only son is failing in each and every subject."
" My father would die rather than closing this school which was started by my great great grandfather." Benson was walking towards his car. Seems like his day is over now and he must be curious to know about this half day leave suspense from his father who's currently the director of our school.
" Dad ,what is this why was the school called of early today??"
"Like you care I thought you would be the happiest and the one most unbothered one." Mr. Harper was busy on his laptop,proves something was going on.
"Dad, is something going on please tell me if there is any problem."
"No,son don't worry it's just a little one and I can solve it myself and you know these kind of inconveniences just passes by once in an year especially when our school is a really famous one and people always finds reasons to put us on the backfoot but don't worry there's no one in this world who can harm us or our school. This school is built upon your great great grandfathers blood and sweat and I will never let them down atleast not for this silly reason." He said while making a call
"Okay, son you go freshen up I need to sort out some things."
"Okay dad, but if you need any of my help then let me know." Benson was proceeding towards his room that's when his father interrupts his walk.
"Ben, I think I need a little of your and your friend's help."
"My friend, whom??"
"Eris Payne."

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