Chapter 2: The Betrayal

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As the tension dissipated and the guards reluctantly withdrew, Fang Duobing turned his attention to Li Lian Hua, his eyes alight with curiosity and amusement.

"So, they expect you to resurrect the dead now?" Duobing chuckled incredulously, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "If he manages that feat, I'll gladly adopt his surname."

Li Lian Hua returned Duobing's smile with a wry one of his own.

The guards, their faces flushed with anger and frustration, glared daggers at Li Lian Hua before storming out, their hopes dashed by the reality of their situation.

"Thank you for your assistance," Li Lian Hua said earnestly, his voice tinged with appreciation. "I fear I would not have fared well against them on my own."

Duobing waved off his gratitude with a casual gesture, his demeanor relaxed and jovial once more. "Think nothing of it, Doctor Li. It's all in a day's work for a detective of my caliber."

Duobing extended an invitation to Li Lian Hua to join him for dinner at the inn where he was staying. "Consider it a gesture of goodwill," he said with a grin. "A chance to put this unfortunate incident behind us and enjoy a meal together as friends."

As Li Lian Hua and Fang Duobing sat together at the inn, their conversation ebbed and flowed like the currents of a meandering river.

"You see, Doctor Li," he began earnestly, "I'm a newly appointed detective, currently on trial basis. To secure a permanent position, I must solve three major cases that have confounded our superiors."

"A noble pursuit indeed," Li Lian Hua remarked, his voice tinged with admiration. "To serve justice and uphold the law is a commendable goal."

"I want to follow in the footsteps of my masters, Li Xiang Yi," Duobing declared proudly, his eyes alight with fervor. "Even though he is no longer with us, his legacy lives on in me."

Li Lian Hua's hand paused mid-sip, the wine catching in his throat as he choked on his words. "Li Xiang Yi..." he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. Memories of the past flooded his mind—of battles fought and alliances forged, of a friendship that transcended the boundaries of time and space.

As Duobing enthusiastically recounted his tales of ambition and determination, Li Lian Hua listened intently, nodding along as he sipped from his wine pot. He seemed genuinely engaged in Duobing's stories, his demeanor relaxed and genial.

Unbeknownst to Duobing, however, Li Lian Hua had added a potent substance to his drink and offered the wine to Duobing, gesturing for him to partake in their shared revelry.

Almost immediately, Duobing felt a strange sensation wash over him—a dizziness that clouded his thoughts and dulled his senses.

"What... what's happening?" he stammered, his voice slurring with each passing moment.

Li Lian Hua rose from his seat, his eyes glittering with malice as he revealed his true intentions. "You are a fool, Fang Duobing," he taunted, his words dripping with scorn. "You should have examined that body in the coffin correctly. He was not dead—he was merely in an unconscious phase. You are too naive."

Duobing's eyes widened in horror as the realization dawned upon him, but before he could react, darkness closed in around him, and he slumped forward, unconscious and defenseless.

Li Lian Hua made his escape, leaving Duobing to curse his name in vain as he fought to keep his eyes open. But it was too late—his world faded into blackness, and Li Lian Hua vanished into the night, leaving behind nothing but the bitter taste of betrayal and deceit.

 But it was too late—his world faded into blackness, and Li Lian Hua vanished into the night, leaving behind nothing but the bitter taste of betrayal and deceit

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After some time suddenly the door burst open with a resounding crash. Startled, he turned to see the guards from earlier, their faces twisted with scorn and mockery.

"Ha! So it seems your precious doctor friend is nothing but a charlatan," one of the guards sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "The coffin where the thief lay is empty, and your so-called miracle doctor has vanished into thin air."

"You'd do well to take the surname of that cheat," another guard jeered, a malicious grin spreading across his face. "Seems you've been hoodwinked by your esteemed doctor friend."

But even as the guards mocked him, Fang Duobing's thoughts were elsewhere, consumed by a burning desire for justice. He knew he could not let Li Lian Hua escape unpunished for his deceit, not after the trust he had placed in him as a fellow seeker of truth.

Meanwhile, in the secluded shadows of the town, Li Lian Hua stood face to face with the once-dead thief, a sense of relief washing over him as he beheld the man's newfound vitality. The thief, his gratitude overflowing, pressed a weathered book into Li Lian Hua's hands—a book filled with the secrets of ancient remedies and healing arts.

"This is the recipe book you sought," the thief said, his voice filled with sincerity. "May it serve you well in your noble endeavors, Doctor Li."

To be continued

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To be continued...

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