Chapter 7: Fang Duobing heart skipping a beat

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As the sun went down, a scary sight unfolded in the palace yard. There was a raised wooden stage in the middle where some royal guards were tied up tight. They looked really scared. Torches around the stage made weird shadows on the walls. The air smelled like wood burning and something sharp. The guards' faces showed they knew what was coming.

People with serious faces stood nearby, ready to do what the queen ordered. Some guards prayed quietly, asking for help. The scene was sad and scary, a reminder that those in charge can be really harsh.

Inside the dark and gloomy Yu City prison, Fang Duobing couldn't sit still. The air was thick with tension, and the dim light barely reached the corners. They were treated like criminals without a chance to prove their innocence. The thought of facing the queen's harsh orders weighed heavily on Fang Duobing's mind, and he felt restless, his heart pounding with worry for their fate.

"What the hell is going on? Why are we captured?" Fang Duobing's voice echoed through the prison, frustration dripping from every word. But the guards remained stoic, ignoring his protests.

"Stop shouting, don't make noise," Li Lianhua advised, his tone calm in contrast to Fang Duobing's agitation.

Fang Duobing scoffed, "What are we supposed to do then? Wait for death?" He settled back against the cold stone wall with a frustrated sigh.

As the others slept, Fang Duobing overheard the guards whispering about orders from the Queen of Yu City to burn all those who had been responsible for the princess's security. The news jolted him awake, determination flashing in his eyes.

"I won't let this happen," Fang Duobing declared, his voice resolute as he summoned his spiritual powers. With a swift strike, he incapacitated the guards, but the key to their freedom remained just out of reach. In a stroke of luck, a twig passed by his hands, snatching up the key.

Fang Duobing turned around to see who was holding the twig, and to his surprise, it was Li Lianhua. The corners of Lianhua's lips curled into a mischievous smirk as he taunted, "Sometimes you need to use your brain alongside your powers, Detective Duobing."

Fang Duobing shot a glare at Li Lianhua, his frustration simmering just beneath the surface. "I don't need your advice. Just stay put and don't make things worse."

Li Lianhua's lips curled into a knowing smirk. "Ah, but it seems I'm always one step ahead of you, Detective Duobing."

Fang Duobing rolled his eyes and ignored the jibe, focusing on the task at hand. With careful precision, he unlocked the door and slipped out into the corridor, leaving Li Lianhua behind.

Alone in the darkness of his cell, Li Lianhua watched Fang Duobing's retreating figure with a mixture of amusement and intrigue. "Let's see how this unfolds," he muttered to himself, his mind already whirling with plans and possibilities.

Fang Duobing hurried over to where the guards were tied up. With a swift motion, he summoned his magical knives, twelve in all, and they sliced through the ropes holding the guards captive. It was like the knots just untied themselves. The guards, freed from their binds, begged for mercy as the queen stormed out, furious. "Who set them free?" she demanded, her voice echoing through the courtyard.

"I released them." Fang Duobing emerged from the dark, "This is not correct. They are being killed without evidence and as a detective I won't allow it."

"I don't want any introduction. You deserve to die for intervening. Kill him!" she ordered, and the guards lunged at him with their swords.

As the sword fighting intensified and the guards grew frustrated with their inability to defeat Duobing, the Queen threw a poisonous needle aimed directly at Fang Duobing. Unnoticed by Duobing, the needle was about to pierce his skin when suddenly Li Lianhua intervened, using a wooden log to capture it just in time.

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