Chapter 21: Finding Yu Louchun

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Amidst the bustling courtyard, an announcement rang out, capturing everyone's attention. "Miss Qiao and Mr. Xiao have unearthed the Shaoshi Sword. After all these years, discovering the very blade that never left Xiangyi's side brings solace to our hearts," declared a member of the Baichuan Court.

The Shaoshi Sword gleamed in the center, its presence commanding respect and awe. To claim this coveted blade, one must prove their worth by seizing the hanging flower. Disciples clashed and vied for supremacy, their determination palpable in the air.

Li Lianhua turned to Fang Duobing with a curious expression, "Why aren't you joining the fray for the sword? Don't you desire it?"

Fang Duobing's expression remained resolute as he observed the chaotic scene unfolding before them. "I don't believe this sword truly belonged to Li Xiangyi," he declared firmly, his eyes narrowing with suspicion.

Li Lianhua's teasing remark elicited a wry smile from Fang Duobing. "Of course you treasure your master, but you refuse to participate in this farce," he retorted, his tone tinged with disdain.

"Respecting Li Xiangyi doesn't mean blindly accepting everything," he countered, his tone edged with exasperation. "I refuse to engage in this spectacle because I hold his legacy in higher regard than a mere display of power."

Li Lianhua chuckled softly, teasingly. "You know, I'm starting to wonder if you truly honor Li Xiangyi as much as you claim. After all, wouldn't a devoted disciple eagerly vie for his master's prized possession?"

Fang Duobing's eyes blazed with determination as he glared at Li Lianhua, his expression conveying his resolve without a single word. In a swift and graceful move, he sprang into action, his body moving with agility and purpose.

He seized the flower with an effortless grace, then shattered the sword into two pieces with a powerful strike, as if it were made of brittle glass. Gasps echoed through the courtyard as the truth unfolded before their eyes.

"Impossible!" Mr. Xiao exclaimed, his face pale with embarrassment. "How can this be?"

Fang Duobing chuckled, his voice tinged with triumph. "A true master's weapon would never break so easily," he declared, his words ringing with authority. "This sword is nothing but a mere imitation, unworthy of the great Li Xiangyi."

"What... what just happened?" one person whispered in disbelief.

"It seems Fang Duobing has unveiled the truth," another replied, awe evident in their voice.

Meanwhile, Mr. Xiao stood frozen, his face flushed with embarrassment as his deception crumbled before his eyes.

"I think somebody must have stole it." Mr. Xiao said to cover up the lie.

Fang Duobing shot a knowing smile at Mr. Xiao, recognizing his attempt to deflect blame. "Of course," he replied smoothly. "We must ensure the culprit faces justice for their deceit."

Li Lianhua couldn't help but be impressed by Fang Duobing's contradictory nature - like a little angry puppy to him, yet fierce and uncompromising to others.

"Let's go," Fang Duobing said abruptly, leaping up and leading the way back to the lotus tower. Throughout the journey, Fang Duobing remained silent, lost in his thoughts.

"Yu Louchun, you mentioned? I stumbled upon something about him in the records. He's quite the wealthy recluse, it seems. Rarely ventures out, keeps to himself. What's intriguing is that he hosts banquets for six peculiar individuals on moutains red," Fang Duobing revealed, displaying the findings from the Baichuan Academy's archives to Li Lianhua.

Li Lianhua's brow furrowed in thought. "What about 'Mountains Red'? What does that mean?"

Fang Duobing chuckled. "Ah, it's a fascinating tradition. When the maple leaves turn red, it's called 'Mountains Red.' It's a sight to behold."

Li Lianhua's curiosity piqued. "Why don't we pay him a visit then?" he suggested, eager to unravel the mystery surrounding Yu Louchun and his enigmatic banquet.

Fang Duobing sighed wearily, his fatigue evident as he reclined on the bed, letting out a tired yawn. "If you're keen on meeting him, we'll have to make a name for ourselves. We need to become the most renowned oddities in the martial arts world this year. To secure an invitation, we must stand out as the most peculiar."

Li Lianhua nodded in agreement, his mind already racing with possibilities. "Let's make preparations to meet this Yu Louchun. If he's as reclusive as they say, it might not be easy to gain an audience."

Later in the evening, Li Lianhua returned from the market to find Fang Duobing meticulously arranging portraits with the help of his two assistants.

"What's all this?" Li Lianhua inquired, peering curiously at the array of paintings.

"These are calligraphy paintings created by renowned martial artists," Fang Duobing explained eagerly. "Each painting reflects the unique martial skills of its creator. Just imagine the intrigue it could spark in someone like Yu Louchun!"

Li Lianhua shook his head with a weary sigh. "Fang Duobing, I doubt this will have any effect."

"If you keep being so negative, I might just turn you into a street performer," Fang Duobing retorted, his tone laced with irritation as he shot Li Lianhua a pointed look.

Li Lianhua chuckled at Fang Duobing's determination, shaking his head in disbelief. "You never cease to amaze me," he remarked, admiring his friend's ingenuity.

"But seriously, Fang Duobing," he continued, his tone turning serious, "do you really think this will impress Yu Louchun?"

Fang Duobing shot him a playful glare, his irritation masked by a mischievous grin. "Trust me, Lianhua," he replied, his confidence unwavering. "We've got nothing to lose by trying."

Li Lianhua sighed, knowing there was no point in arguing with Fang Duobing when he had set his mind on something. "Alright, alright," he conceded with a smile. "Let's see if this grand plan of yours pans out."

As Li Lianhua's eyes scanned the portraits, they landed on one particular signature, and a wave of nostalgia washed over him. The characters were written in a unique style, triggering a vivid memory of exchanging love letters in the past, back when he was known as Li Xiangyi.

"This..." Fang Duobing announced proudly, gesturing towards the portrait, "is my masterpiece. Can't deny my signature touch, can you?"

Li Lianhua reached out to touch the signature, his fingers tracing the elegant strokes. "It's truly exquisite," he murmured, his voice tinged with emotion as memories flooded back.

Fang Duobing raised an eyebrow in surprise as Li Lianhua's expression shifted. "What's wrong?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.

Li Lianhua took a moment to compose himself before responding, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "It's nothing," he said softly, a faint smile gracing his lips. "I just... I remember seeing this signature somewhere before."

Fang Duobing's curiosity was piqued. "Where?" he inquired, leaning in closer when suddenly  he caught a whiff of a delicious aroma. "What's cooking?" he asked eagerly, his stomach rumbling.

"I didn't cook anything," Li Lianhua replied, furrowing his brow in confusion. Their gaze then fell upon a lady who stood at the entrance holding a wooden food box.

To be continued..

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