Chapter 34: Madam Qin

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[Fang Duobing's residence]

"Don't you realize people are hunting you down? Why are you so stubborn about leaving?" Fang Duobing's voice was firm as he blocked Li Lianhua's path.

"There's no point in running forever," Li Lianhua replied, trying to step around Fang Duobing.

But Fang Duobing stood his ground, his resolve unwavering. "I've made up my mind to investigate this case, so I must insist that you stay. I won't hesitate to use my sword if I have to."

"Let him go, Fang Xiaobao," his mother interjected, her tone gentle but firm.

"But..." Fang Duobing started, but before he could finish, Li Lianhua swayed on his feet, his face draining of color. Fang Duobing lunged forward, catching him just before he collapsed completely. "Li Lianhua? Wake up! Li Lianhua?" He shook him gently, his heart pounding with worry.

As Li Lianhua slowly regained consciousness, Fang Duobing's anxiety turned into relief, but his concern lingered. "Are you feeling any better?" he asked softly, his voice tinged with worry.

Li Lianhua managed a weak nod, his voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you, Fang Duobing," he murmured, his gaze filled with gratitude.

"Don't mention it," Fang Duobing replied, his tone gentle. "Just focus on resting and getting better."

Fang Duobing's mother entered the room, her eyes filled with concern. "How is he?" she asked, her voice reflecting her worry.

"He's awake now, but he's still feeling weak," Fang Duobing replied, glancing at Li Lianhua.

"I'll bring some warm soup for him," Fang Duobing's mother said, leaving the room briefly.

As Li Lianhua slowly sat up, Fang Duobing offered him a reassuring smile. "You gave us quite a scare there," he said lightly, trying to ease the tension in the room.

Li Lianhua managed a weak smile in return. "I'll be fine," he said, though his voice betrayed his lingering discomfort.

Fang Duobing's heart raced with fear as he watched Li Lianhua writhing in pain, his body contorted with each agonizing convulsion. The sight of blood pouring from his friend's mouth filled him with dread, and when he noticed the ominous blue hue creeping along Li Lianhua's veins, his stomach churned with a sickening sense of helplessness.

"Mother, we need to do something! Li Lianhua is getting worse!" Fang Duobing exclaimed, his voice trembling with panic as he rushed to his mother's side.

His mother's expression darkened with concern as she observed Li Lianhua's deteriorating condition. "Take him to Granny Qin on Yunyin Mountain," she said urgently, her voice firm with determination. "She's the only one who can help him now."

Fang Duobing nodded, his mind racing with worry as he gently supported Li Lianhua, helping him to his feet. "Hang in there, Li Lianhua," he whispered, his voice laced with desperation. "We'll get you the help you need." 

With determined resolve, Fang Duobing hoisted him onto his shoulders and set off towards Yunyin Mountain, praying fervently for Li Lianhua's survival.

"Please, Fang Duobing, you don't have to do this," Li Lianhua pleaded weakly, his voice strained with pain.

But Fang Duobing shook his head, his jaw set with determination. "I made a promise, Li Lianhua," he said firmly. "I promised to get you to Madam Qin, and I intend to keep that promise no matter what."

With each step, Fang Duobing pushed himself harder, fueled by his unwavering loyalty and his deep-seated desire to save his friend. The path was treacherous, and the journey grueling, but he refused to let anything stand in his way. Li Lianhua's safety was his top priority, and he would do whatever it took to ensure that they reached their destination.

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