Chapter 41: The Secret is revealed

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Li Xiangyi stepped forward, his countenance a blend of sympathy and disillusionment. "You've brought this upon yourself, Shan Gudao," he remarked, his tone laced with remorse. "But it's never too late to seek redemption. Acknowledge your mistakes and strive to make things right."

Shan Gudao's face contorted with rage. "Silence!" he roared, raising his weapon to strike Li Xiangyi. Before he could carry out his threat, Fang Duobing intervened, blocking his path. "You won't lay a hand on him," Fang Duobing declared firmly. "You've already caused him enough harm. I won't allow you to hurt him further."

Li Xiangyi chuckled, "Relax, Fang Duobing. Why do you always get so worked up? How much more of your affection do you want to shower upon me?"

Confusion clouded Fang Duobing's expression. "What are you talking about?"

Before Fang Duobing could react, Li Xiangyi pulled him close and planted a kiss on his lips, stunning everyone around them. Fang Duobing initially resisted, but soon melted into the embrace, his sword slipping from his grasp.

Their intimate moment was interrupted by the sound of a baby crying. Di Feisheng and Wu Yan emerged, holding one of the babies in their arms, restoring the awkward atmosphere to its usual state.

"What on earth are you doing here?" one of the seniors demanded, ready to attack.

Di Feisheng paid no heed to the hostility and turned to Madam Qin. "Why don't you try the blood of this little one?" He gestured towards the baby in his arms, who belonged to Fang Duobing.

"What do you mean?" Madam Qin asked, puzzled. "These are your children. You have no ties to the Nanyin sect."

"Let's give it a try and see what happens," Di Feisheng insisted. Madam Qin hesitantly pricked the baby's finger, allowing a drop of blood to fall on the mother bug. To everyone's amazement, the bug turned to ashes instantaneously.

Madam Qin's eyes widened in astonishment. "Are you truly a descendant of the Nanyin sect? But, as far as I am aware, there was only one."

"Li Xiangyi is the father of this child," Di Feisheng declared, surprising everyone. The seniors exchanged bewildered glances, perplexed by the revelation of Li Xiangyi's child.

"What?" Li Xiangyi gasped, taking the baby into his arms. The infant instinctively wrapped his tiny fingers around Li Xiangyi's, eliciting a smile from the new father. "How can this be my child?"

Fang Duobing, who had been silent and tense throughout, finally mustered the courage to speak the truth. "Yes... This..."

"I remember Di Feisheng gave you the elixir," Li Xiangyi interjected, his voice tinged with confusion. "But I thought you got rid of it after we helped Yu Louchun."

"You remember everything?" Fang Duobing was taken aback by Li Xiangyi's clarity.

"Yes. It all came back to me when I saw you protecting me," Li Xiangyi admitted, his expression reflecting the pain of lost memories. "You were the missing face in my recollections. Do you have any idea how agonizing it was not to remember the person who loved me so deeply?"

"I..." Fang Duobing faltered, struggling to find the right words.

Li Xiangyi chuckled, estimating the babies' age. "They must be around 1 or 2 months old, if I'm not mistaken, based on our last encounter..."

Fang Duobing's expression tightened, his frustration evident. "Can you please stop now?" he interjected, his voice tinged with irritation.

"Fang Duobing," he began, his voice steady despite the butterflies dancing in his stomach, "from the moment I met you, my life changed in ways I never imagined. You've been my rock, my confidant, and my unwavering support through every trial and triumph."

He reached out, taking Fang Duobing's hands in his own, feeling the warmth of their touch soothe his nerves. "I've cherished every moment we've shared, and I can't imagine facing the future without you by my side. So, with all the love in my heart, I ask you this: will you marry me, Fang Duobing? Will you be my partner, my equal, and my forever love?"

Li Xiangyi's sudden proposal caught Fang Duobing off guard, leaving him momentarily speechless. As he struggled to find the right words, the surrounding area became shrouded in a dense mist, adding an eerie yet magical ambiance to the scene.

"It's a good omen, Fang Duobing," Wu Yan exclaimed, his voice echoing through the mist. "You should definitely say yes!"

Fang Duobing blinked through the mist, his mind racing with uncertainty. "But... but Li Xiangyi, this is so sudden..."

Li Xiangyi's eyes sparkled with determination as he knelt before Fang Duobing, his expression earnest. "I know it's sudden, but I can't wait any longer. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Fang Duobing."

Fang Duobing felt his heart flutter at Li Xiangyi's words, the mist swirling around them adding to the surreal atmosphere. He glanced at Wu Yan, then back at Li Xiangyi, a mix of emotions playing across his face.

The area fell into a stunned silence as Fang Duobing's mother entered, cradling two more babies in her arms, a warm smile gracing her lips. Li Xiangyi's eyes widened in surprise, while the other seniors could scarcely believe what they were seeing.

"You have been blessed," Fang Duobing's mother smiled, "with not one, but three beautiful babies."

Li Xiangyi's eyes widened in disbelief, his heart pounding with a mixture of shock and joy. "Three babies?" he exclaimed, his voice trembling with emotion.

Fang Duobing nodded, his own eyes shining with pride and happiness. "Yes," he replied softly, "three little miracles."

Li Xiangyi's breath caught in his throat as he looked at his partner, overwhelmed by the enormity of the news. Tears welled up in his eyes as he reached out to touch the tiny hands of his newborns, his heart overflowing with love and gratitude.

Fang Duobing's mother watched with a tender smile, her heart swelling with pride at the sight of her son and his growing family. In that precious moment, surrounded by the love of their family, Li Xiangyi and Fang Duobing knew that their lives would be forever changed by the arrival of their three precious babies.

To be continued..

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