Chapter 30: Li Lianhua Kidnapped

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"Look at this," Fang Duobing remarked, picking up a broken copper censer from the debris scattered around the inn. "The force of the fight was so intense that it split this sturdy censer into pieces."

"A single strike must have done this," Di Feisheng commented, examining the shattered object. "The fighter must have possessed considerable skill." Then, with a smirk, he added, "Although, they still pale in comparison to me."

"Hmm," Fang Duobing huffed, unimpressed by Di Feisheng's boast. Li Lianhua shot Di Feisheng a disapproving look, sensing the tension between the two.

"What's with the attitude?" Di Feisheng inquired, but Li Lianhua simply ignored him, striding over to Fang Duobing to inspect the copper censer. "The sword strike split the copper censer down the center, but the angle of the cut veered left by three points. It resembles a technique from the Zhoayue sect."

Fang Duobing's eyes widened in surprise as Li Lianhua continued his analysis, now scrutinizing the marks on the door frame. "Additionally, the fingerprints and palm prints on the doorframe match those of the Zhoayue sect members. The strength of the fingers was enough to dent a hard surface. There are also claw marks on the side, indicative of the outer martial arts style of the Kunlun sect."

Fang Duobing stared at Li Lianhua in astonishment, his mind racing with thoughts. Identifying martial arts techniques and sects solely through marks... Only a highly skilled martial artist could possess such knowledge. Who exactly is Li Lianhua?

Meanwhile, Di Feisheng observed the surroundings, noticing the unkempt state of the inn and the abundance of talismans. "Why hasn't anyone cleaned this place? And what's with all these talismans?" he remarked.

"Perhaps this inn is haunted," Fang Duobing suggested, just as the door creaked open and the old lady entered with a candle, nearly startling them all.

"Who are you?" the old lady asked as she entered.

"We are travelers seeking lodging for the night," Li Lianhua replied politely.

"This inn is haunted. Why don't you stay at my place instead?" she offered, her smile warm but tinged with an eerie quality.

The trio followed her reluctantly, still wary of the inn and the old lady's intentions. Upon arriving at her home, they were greeted with lavish rooms and a sumptuous dinner of meat and wine. As they dined, Li Lianhua decided to inquire about the haunted inn.

The old lady shared what she knew, but none of her answers seemed to satisfy the trio's curiosity. Eventually, she bid them goodnight and left them to rest, leaving them with more questions than answers.

"She was useless," Di Feisheng grumbled as the old lady departed.

"I'm exhausted," Li Lianhua declared, stretching his arms and yawning. "You two keep watch. I'm off to bed."

Late into the night, Fang Duobing and Di Feisheng remained vigilant. Fang Duobing couldn't help but notice a shift in Di Feisheng's demeanor; the playful flirtation had vanished, replaced by a wary distrust. 

Fang Duobing pondered, watching Di Feisheng closely. "What will he become if his memory returns?"

Feeling Fang Duobing's gaze, Di Feisheng turned to him with a raised eyebrow. "Need something?" he asked.

"Uh, no," Fang Duobing mumbled, quickly averting his eyes, feeling embarrassed.

Fang Duobing felt Di Feisheng's grip tighten on his hand. "I don't know anything," he insisted firmly, trying to pull away. "Stop being so touchy."

Di Feisheng's eyes narrowed. "If I find out you're lying like Li Lianhua, you'll regret it," he warned.

"Yeah, yeah," Fang Duobing muttered nervously, attempting to mask his fear. Suddenly, dizziness washed over him, and Di Feisheng caught him as he stumbled. "What's happening?"

"I don't know." Fang Duobing said and started practicing meditation and suddenly Di Feisheng started feeling dizzy and suddenly they looked at the candle and exclaimed, "There is something wrong with these candles." 

Fang Duobing attempted to meditate to calm himself, but Di Feisheng also began to feel dizzy. Their attention turned to the candles, suspecting foul play. They extinguished the candles, but the dizziness persisted. Before they could comprehend their situation, they found themselves surrounded by eerie, zombie-like figures.

Amidst the chaos, a figure cloaked in white emerged from the shadows, his face concealed by a mask. In a blur of motion, he wielded his sword with unmatched precision, striking down their assailants with ease. Each movement was executed with a grace and skill that left Fang Duobing and Di Feisheng in awe.

As the last of their attackers fell to the ground, defeated, the masked man turned to them briefly, his eyes hidden behind the mask. Without a word, he vanished into the darkness, leaving Fang Duobing and Di Feisheng stunned by the display of martial prowess they had just witnessed.

Fang Duobing's mind raced with the possibility that the masked swordsman could be Li Lianhua in disguise. Hurriedly, he rushed to where Li Lianhua lay sleeping, his heart pounding with anticipation. Checking Li Lianhua's clothes for any sign of white attire underneath, Fang Duobing's hopes were dashed as he found nothing to support his theory. It seemed that the masked man was someone else entirely, shrouded in mystery.

As Li Lianhua adjusted his robe, he glanced at Fang Duobing, puzzled by his sudden urgency. "Where did you go?" Fang Duobing asked, his tone edged with suspicion.

"I just went to the bathroom. Why are you acting so strange?" Li Lianhua replied, raising an eyebrow.

Fang Duobing handed the jade pendant to Li Lianhua, saying, "Keep this jade waist pendant with you. Yu Louchun gave it to me to show it to Lord of Netherlands once we meet him. It's important for our mission, and since I'm always in battle, I fear I may lose it. Keep it safe for me."

Li Lianhua accepted the pendant with a nod, understanding the weight of the responsibility placed upon him. "I'll keep it safe," he assured Fang Duobing, tying it around his waist.

"There are zombies outside. Be careful." With that, Fang Duobing hurried outside to confront the looming threat, leaving Li Lianhua behind, perplexed by his behavior.

Fang Duobing fought ferociously against the zombies, but his concern for Li Lianhua lingered in his mind. As he glanced back at his friend, he saw Li Lianhua struggling to stand, the weight of exhaustion evident in his weary eyes.

"I can't fight anymore," Li Lianhua murmured softly, his voice barely audible over the chaos. His grip on the sword loosened, and it slipped from his grasp, clattering to the ground.

Fang Duobing's heart sank at the sight. "He's really unable to fight," he realized, his worry mounting as he continued to fend off the relentless onslaught of zombies. Suddenly, a zombie grabbed hold of Li Lianhua, dragging him away from Fang Duobing's reach. Fang Duobing moved to pursue him in a panic, but Di Feisheng intercepted him, halting his advance.

"You can't face them alone," Di Feisheng warned, his tone urgent. "First, wash off your blood. They seem to be drawn to it."

With no time to spare, Fang Duobing hastily cleansed himself and returned to face the encroaching zombies alongside Di Feisheng. As the undead horde closed in, Fang Duobing improvised a desperate plan, grabbing a nearby jug of wine and igniting it with a spark. The flames flickered to life, casting an eerie glow across the scene and causing the zombies to recoil in fear.

"It worked," Fang Duobing breathed a sigh of relief, but the exertion proved too much, and he collapsed to the ground, weakened. Before he hit the earth, Di Feisheng swiftly caught him in his arms, ensuring Fang Duobing remained safe from harm.

As Fang Duobing rested inside the room, Di Feisheng couldn't tear his gaze away from him. He found himself captivated by Fang Duobing's presence, his fingers lightly tracing the contours of his face. Despite the uncertainties surrounding his own identity, Di Feisheng felt a growing desire for Fang Duobing's companionship.

"I want him beside me," Di Feisheng whispered to himself, his heart consumed by an inexplicable longing. "Even if he's deceiving me about who I am."

To be continued..

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