Chapter 10: The Yipin Tomb

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As the tomb raiders got closer to the entrance of the Yipin Tomb, a strange fog covered the area. It made the entrance look spooky and scary. Some guards tried to go through the fog, hoping to find treasure. But they soon felt intense pain and died.

Seeing what happened, the other raiders became scared. They whispered to each other, unsure of what to do next. They looked worried and realized it was too risky to go on.

"We shouldn't go any farther," one raider said nervously. "It's just too dangerous."

All the tomb raiders nodded in agreement and began to descend the mountain. Li Lianhua and Master Zhang watched quietly, curious about what would happen next.

"Just stay where you are," the king shouted, his voice echoing through the chamber as the guards closed in around the invited guests.

"What's the meaning of this? Is this how you treat your honored guests?"

"Yeah, yesterday you welcomed us with open arms, and now you turn on us like this?"

"Just listen to what the king says. We shouldn't make any sudden moves."

"And who do you think you are? You think these guards can keep us from leaving?"

"Hah," the king chuckled darkly, "I know these guards are no match for you, but you might want the antidote to survive."

"Antidote? Why would we need that?"

"The wine you all enjoyed last night was laced with poison." The king's laughter filled the room, and suddenly, a sharp pain twisted in their stomachs. Master Zhang and Li Lianhua had to feign pain, even though they hadn't drunk the poisoned wine.

"That's why Master Zhang stopped me from drinking the wine," Li Lianhua realized silently, as he feigned pain along with the others.

Following the king's orders, the tomb raiders moved forward, led by the young boy who dispelled the fog with a spell. With a swift leap, the boy ascended the mountain and opened the entrance to the tomb, revealing a sight that left them all in awe—the vast expanse of treasures waiting to be claimed.

Inside the tomb, it was dark and spooky. Torches lit up the walls, showing ancient carvings of battles and kings. The air smelled old and musty. In the middle of the room was a huge pile of treasure, shimmering gold and jewels. But there were also bones and old weapons lying around, reminders of those who came before.

Despite the treasure, there was a sense of danger in the air. The tomb seemed to warn them to be careful. As they explored further, they knew they had to watch out for traps and enemies lurking in the shadows.

Master Zhang and Li Lianhua stood side by side, silently observing the chaos unfolding before them. The tomb raiders, driven by greed, scrambled through the treasures like rabid animals, their eyes gleaming with avarice. They whispered among themselves, plotting to eliminate their competition and claim the riches for themselves.

"This is madness," Master Zhang murmured, his voice barely audible above the clamor of the raiders.

Li Lianhua nodded in agreement. "They're blinded by their desire for wealth."

As they watched, tensions rose among the raiders, and tempers flared. Fierce arguments erupted, and fists flew as they fought over the treasures scattered throughout the tomb.

"We need to be careful," Li Lianhua cautioned, casting a wary glance at their surroundings. "Things could turn violent at any moment."

Master Zhang nodded gravely. "Let's stay close and keep our wits about us. We don't want to get caught up in their madness."

The young boy scanned the chamber for any signs of another exit, his keen eyes searching every nook and cranny. Finally, he spotted another door tucked away in a shadowy corner. Excitedly, he led the group toward it, eager to uncover what lay beyond.

As the king jubilantly raised his hands in front of the stone door, a triumphant gleam in his eyes, the other tomb raiders watched in silence, their expressions a mix of anticipation and apprehension.

"What's behind that door?" one of them whispered, the tension palpable in the air as they waited for the answer.

"It must be the treasure we've been seeking," another muttered, their voice tinged with excitement and greed.

Suddenly the candles flickered and died, plunging the chamber into darkness, a sense of dread washed over the raiders. In the inky blackness, the trap was triggered, and suddenly, they were assailed from all sides by a barrage of slashing swords.

"Where are they coming from?" someone cried out, their voice trembling with fear as they desperately tried to evade the deadly blades.

"We're under attack!" another shouted, the panic in their voice echoing through the chamber.

In a swift motion, Master Zhang drew his sword and seized Li Lianhua's hand, pulling him close and wrapping his arm around his waist, shielding him from the imminent attack. 

As Li Lianhua felt the strength in Master Zhang's grip, he realized that this wasn't the hand of an old man, confirming his suspicions all along. With a newfound clarity, he braced himself for the danger that lay ahead, knowing that he had a capable ally by his side.

"Are you alright, Li Lianhua?" Master Zhang asked, concern evident in his voice as he assessed Li Lianhua for any injuries.

"I'm fine, Master Zhang," Li Lianhua replied, a hint of gratitude in his tone as he caught his breath. 

As they reached the heart of the tomb, they were met with the sight of the king and queen's corpses, with a pearl gleaming in the queen's mouth.

"we need to act quickly. That pearl is dangerous in the wrong hands." Li Lianhua whispered as he looked at the pearl was now in hands of the young boy who had killed the King.

"You're right," Master Zhang agreed, his eyes narrowing with determination. "We must ensure it doesn't fall into the hands of those who seek to misuse its power."

The young boy, filled with greed, laughed triumphantly and reached for the pearl, but Master Zhang swiftly intervened, engaging him in a fierce struggle.

Meanwhile, Li Lianhua seized the opportunity to snatch the pearl from the boy's grasp and make a run for it, his heart pounding with adrenaline as he raced away from the chaotic scene unfolding behind him.

To be continued...

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