Part 2: Do You believe in Legends?

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Ozpin is in his office when an alert went off on his scroll. He looks at it and narrows his eyes.

Ozpin: Glynda?

Glynda Goodwitch arrives and looks to the headmaster.

Glynda: Yes sir?

Ozpin: There seems to be some activity in the land of darkness.

Glynda looks in shock.

Glynda: Who could be going there?

Ozpin: Whoever it is they must have some serious. . . . well you know.

Glynda: Should we get Ironwood? He may be able to send someone to look for survivors.

Ozpin: First we need Qrow to look into this, then if it is too much for him we'll send Ironwood and his forces.

Glynda nods and leaves.

Meanwhile Bardock and Fasha charge at Salem who creates Grimm walls in front of them.

When they blast through, she manifests fire attacks that blasts them.

Salem: Give up mortals.

Fasha and Bardock get up and fire Ki attacks at her.

Salem raises her arms and Grimm pools emerge and the freshly spawned Grimm charge at the Saiyans.

Fasha: These things are getting annoying!

Fasha charges Ki in her hands and blasts toward the Grimm and begins killing them.

Bardock looks at Salem and vanishes and tries to kick her behind the head but she grabs his leg.

Bardock: (She can keep up with my movements!)

Salem: I was never much of a physical fighter but, I am more than enough to deal with you.

Salem uses Lightning magic on Bardock knocking him backward.

Bardock looks up in pain before Salem stomps on his head.

Salem: Such inpudence, who do you think you are to test the immortal Salem!?

Bardock: (Damn! Raven better be getting Summer right now.)

Raven and Summer fire dust rounds at Watts but he blocks with his hologram shield.

Raven: You won't beat us hiding behind that dinky shield!

Watts: This has been fun ladies but I should leave my associates to clean up.

Watts exits while Grimm come in and the two huntresses rush in and kill them.

Summer: Raven? Do you have enough energy for a portal?

Raven: I need a couple of minutes.

At that point the whole area shakes from the power displayed.

Summer: What was that?

Raven: It's Bardock, he's fighting Salem.

Summer: I can't let him fight her by himself!

Raven looks and sees Summer run up the steps.

Raven: Damn it Summer wait up!

Meanwhile Fasha throws punches at Salem who is casually dodging.

Salem sighs before knocking her down.

Salem: You two disappoint me. Able to deal with my two second most powerful henchmen, yet unable to deal with me? If you were tame you two may be useful.

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