Part 4: A Family meeting (Fasha Lemon)

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Ruby Rose wakes up looking at her team. She had gotten a good sleep after having seen her mother after all this time.

Ruby: I'm glad she's okay. She must have had a hard time after her mission.

Then Ruby had an idea.

Ruby: I'll make her some cookies! I should have some of that leftover batter in the fridge!

Meanwhile in space a woman sat with her child who was asleep. She has Green hair and eyes with two different colors one Red and the other blue.

 She has Green hair and eyes with two different colors one Red and the other blue

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Muesli heard news throughout the Frieza force that Planet Vegeta was destroyed. She was sad she never had the chance to thank Bardock for saving her life.


Musli stood hidden with her son Granolah and Monito the elder Namek watching as Bardock fought the Heaters. She was almost dead if it wasn't for Monito pushing her out of the way. Bardock was pulling his entire fury on Gas the youngest of the Heaters.

Monito: He is something isn't he?

Musli hid a blush as she admired the Saiyan warrior.

Musli: I hope to thank him some day.

Monito: But not now, we have to run so Bardock can get out of this fight.

Musli nods but has a saddened expression on her face.

Present day

Musli remembers Bardock's honor and heart to save both her and her son.

She remembers how Bardock punched Gas with his devloped massive muscles and his look of focus-

This got her to feel a little wet in her lower area getting her to have a massive blush on her face.

Musli: (Damn dirty mind!)

Back on Remnant Fasha is using the training area to  her advantage making sure she was at 100%.

Bardock came by and saw her at work.

Bardock: Not bad Fasha. Healed okay?

Fasha: Yeah, bless Zenki Boost!

Bardock: So ready for a sparring session?

Fasha grins and the two rush at each other.

Meanwhile Summer sits up and looks to see her daughter come in with a plate of cookies.

Ruby: Hey mom! I made you cookies!

Summer: Aw that was sweet of you. I'll eat them in a minute. Tell me how school is.

Ruby smiles as she starts to tell her story about how her adventures went. Eventually another visitor came to see her.

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