Part 5: Silver eyes and Super Saiyans (Summer Rose Lemon)

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Summer Rose walks out of the med-wing of Beacon and is fully dressed in her Huntress outfit complete with a white cloak.

Summer: It feels good to be out of that old place. I can finally stretch some of my legs.

As she walks to see Ozpin she sees Bardock sparring with Team RWBY.

Ruby and Yang rush at Bardock which he flips backward only to get stuck by ice courtesy of Weiss. Blake and Ruby both use their lady bug attack to pressure Bardock. Yang then powers up her meteor combination and the three girls start to make Bardock feel overwelmed.

Bardock: Blow away!

Bardock blasts energy backward knocking the girls back as Weiss fires electric dust at Bardock who was shocked.

Weiss: Ha! How do you like that?

Weiss walks up to Bardock cock before he smiles.

Bardock: Gotcha bitch!

Bardock grabs Weiss and shocks her knocking her down.

Yang bursts her semblance and flies at Bardock landing a solid hit in his gut.

Yang: Try that one, tough guy!

Bardock smiles and leans into Yang's face.

Bardock: Want to see something cool?

Everyone pauses and looks at each other.

Yang: Sure why not.

Bardock screams as his power goes off the handle.

RWBY: (Oh shit, Super Saiyan.)

A Few minutes later the whole group was on the mat.

Bardock: Sorry if I went a little hard on you girls.

Weiss: I can't feel my body.

Yang gets up along with Ruby and they help their teammates.

Blake: Wow, to think their are people who can be this strong.

Bardock powers down.

Bardock: Here is some free advise girls. No matter what state your life is in, keep trying to get stronger. Whether physical, mental or character make yourself the most powerful you can be.

The team nodded and went off to get a way to ease off all the soreness.

Bardock is wiping the sweat off his neck when he hears footsteps of boots. He looks over to see a man with black hair and a white suit.

Bardock: Hello? Can I help you?

Ironwood: Yes I came to this school to help professor Ozpin with the Vytal festival. I was told you were the one who got rid of her and I wanted to see the great Bardock in person. I am General James Ironwood of the Atlas Military.

Ironwood holds out his hand and Bardock takes it.

Bardock: I heard good things about you from Oz.

Ironwood: That's good I do have one question. It's about this other threat you mentioned, he won't arrive here will he?

Bardock: I doubt it, from what I have learned this planet is on an entire other side of the galaxy from where Frieza's army usually is. Safe to say we got half a lifetime of preptime. Provided of course we don't find him first.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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