Bowling Into My Heart

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One night GF, Nene, and Carol went bowling for a girl's night out. They wanted to hang out after a long week of exams and have some girl time. GF and Nene were especially happy to hang out with Carol since she had been dating Whitty. At this time, GF and Nene were completely single. They never really had any boyfriends. They both did like boys before obviously, but nothing ever came out of it.

"This has been a long time coming," GF giggled.

"I agree. We've been needing to hang out for the last month now," Nene responded.

"I know... I'm sorry I kept pushing this off so much. Me and Whitty have just been hanging out so much lately," Carol apologized.

"It's alright. As long as we can spend time together now," Nene beamed.

"Agreed," GF nodded.

"Now, let me show you girls who the real pro of bowling is. I'm just as good as I am at golf," Carol smiled.

"Oh, you're on!" the other two girls said in unison.

The girls got to playing their game and had a fun time together. GF was in the lead most of the time because she was very experienced compared to the other two girls. After they finished their first game, they walked over to the nearby counter to get some snacks. And that's when he appeared.

"Hey babe," Whitty smiled as he walked over to Carol.

"Whitty? What are you doing here?" Carol asked.

"Me and the boys came to play a round," Whitty shrugged.

"You following me?" Carol winked.

"No... You said you were going to the Funk Lanes anyways," Whitty responded.

"We ended up switching because the prices were too high," Nene said.

"Fair enough," Whitty smiled.

"Yo Whitty, which lane do we have again?" Pico asked as he walked out behind Whitty.

Nene's face instantly flushed amongst seeing the ginger. She didn't believe in love at first sight, but damn he was cute.

"Yeah, me and Pico wanna get our game on," said BF as he walked over with the tickets.

And that's where GF became flushed. She thought he was so damn cute. What was it about him that was making her even feel this way? She just... met him... she... what was this feeling?

"Yeah, Lane 2," Whitty smiled at his friends.

"Alright. Come on bro, we gotta start our game up. Nice seeing you, Carol," BF waved.

"You too, BF!" Carol beamed.

GF was even more flustered. His name was BF... hers was GF. Could they really be compatible.

GF grabbed Carol's hand and turned her around to face her.

"Carol, you didn't tell me Whitty had such a cute friend," GF said.

"Yeah, you didn't tell me neither," Nene replied.

"Listen, I didn't really think to tell you guys. You never really struck me as being interested in boys. I know you guys talked about boys a bit back in eighth grade, but I haven't heard a word about them since we got into High school," Carol replied.

"That's because all the boys at that school are dweebs," Nene scoffed.

"Yeah, you're lucky you got Whitty. He seems the best of the bunch in that entire school," GF spoke.

"You do realize Pico and BF go to that same school... right?" Carol asked.

GF and Nene's faces went pure red when she said that.

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