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It was the early morning of another typical college day, and BF was in his car, waiting for his class to begin. Today was a big day for him, he had planned asking GF, his crush, to be his girlfriend. He had known her for about a year, and felt so close for him. GF had felt the exact same for BF, and she waited for him to ask her out. Although, part of her wanted to just ask him out instead.

Eventually, it was time to head into the college, and BF met GF at her locker.

"Hey BF!" she beamed widely, getting her books.

"Hey GF... how are you doing?" BF said, blushing a bit.

"Good, how about you?" GF asked.

"Always good. Great around you," BF blushed even more.

GF giggled and found herself warming up in the face, smiling at him.

"Should we head to class? Good thing it's just one class today. Maybe we can hang out afterwards?" GF beamed widely.

"That would be fun," BF smiled back.

They got their stuff and headed to class together. Now, there was only one thing BF hated about chemistry class. It was his rival, Kapi. He had a huge thing for GF as well, and that's why they had beef with each other. BF wanted to get her before Kapi had a chance too.

As they walked together, BF looked down at the rose he had. He picked it just for GF, and he wanted to give it to her as part of his confession. He couldn't help but smile as he looked at her. She would be the perfect girl for him.

They got into class together, and they sat down beside each other. GF smiled and rested her chin on BF's arm, smiling up at him. She always enjoyed being this close to him.

"Any ideas on what to do after school?" she asked.

"We could go to the arcade and play together," BF suggested.

"Oooh, that sounds like fun!" GF smiled.

"But what would be more fun, is me taking you out," said no other than Kapi.

BF rolled his eyes as GF looked back and smiled.

"Hey Kapi," GF beamed.

"Hey beautiful," Kapi winked.

BF groaned and took GF's arm to get her attention back on him.

"We can get lunch too," BF smiled.

"I'll treat you out better than him," Kapi beamed.

"How? You ain't got shit of money," BF laughed.

"What the fuck do you know?" Kapi growled.

"That you ain't got shit to offer. She's going with me!" BF snarled.

"Wanna bet on that one?" Kapi growled back.

"I got an idea! How about we all go together?" GF beamed.

"What? No!" BF and Kapi said in unison.

"You should go with a real man like me, GF," Kapi beamed.

"A real man? You're a fucking animal, dude!" BF argued.

"You are a fucking bitch," Kapi cursed.

"Boys, calm down!" GF said, trying to simmer them down.

Suddenly, the bell went off and Kapi growled, and went back to his seat. BF sighed and slammed his head on his desk.

"BF! Why did you do that??" she asked, lifting his head up the desk.

"I hate that guy! He gets on my fucking nerves!" BF growled.

"I'm sorry that he's like that. Usually he's a really nice guy," GF shrugged.

"I want him to stay as far away as he can," BF sighed.

"Just try not to let it bother you," GF responded.

BF just sighed and GF put her hand on his arm, reassuring him that she still cared for him. Kapi growled as he looked at them, he wanted to get GF to be his. He deserved her more than BF.

The class ended up being a free day due to the professor having to help over at the art center. GF had her head against BF, as they watched a movie that the professor had left for them. She loved being this close to him. He meant everything in the world to her.

So, after class, BF and GF left campus together and headed over to the nearby arcade for their time alone. This is where BF hoped to get his feelings out to her. He opened the door and held it for her, making her giggle and hug him.

"You're such a gentleman," GF beamed, rubbing her head against his neck.

"Y-yeah," he blushed.

BF payed for their tokens and they headed in. They couldn't wait to spend their day together here. Shortly when they got over to the game area, BF turned over to GF.

"I gotta run to the bathroom real quick. That ok?" BF asked.

"Sure! I'll be here waiting for you," she smiled widely.

So, BF headed into the bathroom and that's when he appeared.

"Looks like he's gone," said Kapi.

GF turned over and looked a little scared as he approached her.

"Now we can have some alone time," he smirked.

"I'm n-not into you," she said.

"Really? You blushing says otherwise when it comes to saying that," he smiled.

"I-" She said.

Kapi pushed her against the arcade machine, pressing his body against her so they were nice and close.

"You smell good," he winked.

"W-why are you being l-like th-this?" she stuttered.

"Because you are to belong to me," Kapi winked.

He leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. Her face lit up a bit as the kiss progressed. He took her hands into his and the kiss became more passionate.

"Kapi..." she muffled, not knowing how to get out.

Suddenly Kapi was pulled by his hoodie and thrown into a wall. Kapi growled and tried to attack BF, but he was kicked in the nuts. Kapi fell down and looked up, suddenly he was kicked in the face.

"Away from my girl you shitfuck," BF cursed.

BF turned over to GF, who threw herself in his arms.

"Thank you," she said softly.

"He ain't gonna touch you like that around me," BF said.

She pulled away from him and looked into his eyes, feeling her heart beat faster. He then took this as a perfect opportunity. He pulled the rose out from behind him and her face lit up.

"I've been wanting to give this to you for awhile now. I'm... I'm in love with you. I want you to be my girlfriend. I picked this beautiful rose because it reminded me of you... and I just wanted you to know how I feel," BF confessed.

GF squealed and pulled him into a kiss immediately. His face lit up and kissed her right back. Kapi looked over at BF and growled as he saw them kissing. BF, seeing Kapi look at him, smirked as kissed her even harder, which GF loved. It was a moment they waited for forever.

She pulled away slowly and nuzzles her new boyfriend warmly.

"I love you too," she giggled.

BF beamed and she pulled back to face him.

"Wanna go play some games?" he asked.

"Of course," she beamed, taking his hand and holding it.

They began to walk away, with BF turning back to Kapi.

"Better keep up next time," he retorted.

And thus, had a great time with his girlfriend, and enjoyed the time they had together later on in life. She was perfect for him.

Hope you guys enjoyed this part! Have a great day everyone!

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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