Spending The Night

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GF was so excited tonight. She was having her boyfriend over to stay the night with her. She and BF had been dating for about a month now, and she wanted to share a special night together. She really hoped tonight would lead to having a funky moment with her boyfriend too. She wanted him to be the one to take her virginity as it was.

So she cleaned up her room a bit for him. Not that it was a mess in the first place, but she wanted it to look "spotless" for him. She made sure to make herself look good for him too, although she knew BF didn't care what she looked like.

After some time, she heard a knock at the front door and she beamed in excitement. Her parents were out for a business trip, so she wouldn't have to worry about them interfering. She ran downstairs and approached the front door.

She opened it up, and there stood her boyfriend.

"BF!!" she giggled, jumping at him.

He caught GF in his arms, blushing as she planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Hey babe," he chuckled lightly.

"I'm so excited that you're here!" she squealed, hugging him tightly.

"I'm happy to be here," BF beamed.

BF put her back down on her feet, having her smile and rub his chin.

"Come on. Let me show you around," she smiled, holding out her hand.

"Alright," BF smiled, putting his hand in hers.

She walked him around the house and showed him how grand her mansion was. Of course with the success her family had, it was no problem at all to pay for such a place. It was astounding with how much it had to offer. The living room was absolutely huge, and the diner room looked that it could fit at least three massive families. The kitchen had so much room to make whatever they wanted, and the corridor was big too.

GF then took him upstairs and showed him more. She was more than eager to get him into her room and have a little fun. She started to lead him to her room, but he stopped behind her.

"Woah, is that a gym?" BF asked, looking to the room beside GF's.

"Oh... yeah. That's Dad's personal gym. Now let's-" GF started.

"I wanna check it out," BF smiled.

He let go of GF's hand and he checked it out, looking around at the huge room. He walked over to a bench press station and looked at the weights.

"That explains how your Dad is so muscular," BF chuckled, seeing that he lifted some highly strong bars.

"Yeah. He does like his muscles," GF said softly.

"I'd lift, but I bet the old man would kick his ass real fast," BF said.

"Yeah, best we head out of here and go into my room," she winked.

"Should we make dinner first? I'm a bit hungry..." BF stated.

"We can make dinner in a little bit," GF answered, taking his hand and leading him to her room.

She took BF into her room and smiled as he looked around.

"Damn, this is a nice room!" BF beamed.

"Thank you," GF giggled, shutting the door behind her.

BF looked back at her and blushed as he saw her coming closer to him.

"So... a-are we g-gonna watch a movie?" BF asked, stuttering.

"Not quite," she smirked as she wrapped her arms around him.

BF blushed even more as she leaned in and kissed him. Of course he was used to kissing his girlfriend, but damn this was more passionate than usual. He kissed her back rather immediately and threw his arms around her. GF giggled between the kiss and pulled him from the wall, pinning him down on her bed and she pulled away slowly.

"D-damn!" BF blushed a lot.

"Come here, my love," she giggled.

She leaned back down and the kiss was even more passionate. BF was so deep in love with her. She was the best girlfriend he ever had. She reached down and lifted his shirt off, not pulling away. The kiss turned into a make out session as it continued. But as she reached down and tried to undo his pants, BF pulled back real quick.

"W-w-woah!" BF stammered.

"What?" she asked.

"What are you d-d-doing?" He asked.

"Trying to have a little fun?" she said, a bit confused why he wasn't fond of it.

"I... I don't really feel ready for this, GF..." BF explained.

"What do you mean?" GF asked.

"Listen, I love you, GF. But I ain't quite ready for sex... We haven't been together for a whole month. It feels a little too... rushed," BF explained.

"I don't see what's so wrong with it," GF spoke.

"GF, I wanna do this with you. Like I REALLY do. I wanna see your hot body and everything. But, this is just way too soon. I wanted to come over and hang out with you. Not have sex," BF responded.

GF just looked at him, then looked away as she got off of him. He hated to think he hurt her feelings, but he just didn't feel comfortable doing it yet. He didn't mind doing anything else romantic. But BF was raised in a way where sex was something that was to come naturally and not forced. It was obvious to him how GF was really trying to initiate this.

She sat on the edge of the bed, and he sat beside her too.

"I'm sorry. I guess I just really wanted to share this special moment with you, that I got so caught up in how I felt and not how you did," GF sighed.

BF looked over at her and put his hand on hers, making her turn to him with a light blush.

"It's fine, babe. I know you wanna have this moment with me. But it doesn't feel so special when one of us isn't ready for this. It's just too soon at the moment. I say give it a few more months or so," BF explained.

GF just nodded and smiled softly at him.

"I understand," she said.

BF then looked at her with a smirk.

"I didn't mind that kiss at all though. I was quite enjoying it," he winked.

GF giggled and put her hand on her cheek and winked. "You wanna do it again?"

"I'd like that. But damn, I'm really hungry," BF said.

"Ok. Let's go eat, then we'll get back to what we were doing," GF smiled.

"Sounds perfect" BF said, taking his girlfriend's hand and going downstairs to make dinner together.

And despite his little talk with GF and how he had felt when it came to sex... he still lost his virginity that night.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Have a great day everyone!

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