The Quiet Kid

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GF was a pretty popular girl in high school. Alot of people knew her from the many sports and clubs she was in. She wasn't like most popular girls though. She didn't have that attitude and cocky behavior. GF had a pure heart and was nice to just about everyone.

One day, she was in her first block, hanging out with her friends as they waited for their teacher to arrive.

"Oh my God. Jack is so cute!!" Samantha, a close friend of GF's beamed.

"I've been seeing Whitty a bit more. He's just a gentleman," Carol swooned.

"Have you been seeing anyone GF?" Nene asked.

"Not really. But I do got a little thing for Nate," GF giggled softly.

"You should definitely ask him out!" Carol smiled.

"For real. I'm pretty sure he likes you too," Samantha said.

"Maybe I'll give it a shot," GF smiled.

Just then, their teacher Mr. Johnson walked into the room.

"Good morning, students," he said to the class.

"Good morning, Mr. Johnson," the students replied.

"We got a very special assignment today. We're going to be doing a lab. And I'll be pairing you this time after some... problems," Mr. Johnson said, looking over at Nate and Agoti.

"Hey, wasn't our fault," Nate shrugged.

"Yeah. Your stupid ass equipment is broke as fuck," Agoti rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. So, here's who's going to be with who," Mr. Johnson said.

"Maybe you'll get lucky and be with Nate," Carol winked.

Mr. Johnson read down the list of names, and Samantha ended up getting paired with Nate.

"I'll put in a good word for ya," she winked at GF.

"GF, you will be with BF," Mr. Johnson said.

The whole class got silent and looked back to the boy in the back.

BF was a quiet kid. He kept to himself and didn't like the attention. No one really knew why. But in his regard of silence, people found him as a freak of nature.

"Eww, you got the freak," Samantha said.

"I've heard shit about him," Nene spoke.

"He can't be too bad... right?" GF asked.

"Maybe you should suggest a change," Carol shrugged.

"Alright, get to your partners and be ready for this lab," Mr. Johnson said.

GF just sighed and headed in the back, approaching her partner.

"Hey there," she smiled.

BF was a very shy kid. But he actually had a crush on GF for awhile. He's heard of her from the many clubs and sports she was in, and thought she was cute. He knew his chances of ever going out with her were slim though. It's like everyone said, he was just a freak.

BF smiled and waved, not saying anything of course.

"How are you?" GF asked, sitting beside him.

BF didn't like to talk, so he pulled out a paper and just wrote, 'Good, how about you?'

GF looked at it and beamed at him.

"Oh you know. The usual life. Just a bunch of shit," GF shrugged.

BF just nodded again and then wrote down, 'What's your opinion on this class?'

BF x GF Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now