Her Comfort

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Today was a rather strange day. BF had seemed rather off than he usually was. He tended to be very quiet, and not so affectionate towards GF as he usually is. He just... didn't even seem to want to talk.

"It's weird, Nene," GF spoke over the phone as she told her friend what was going on.

"Yeah, that is unlike BF. Have you noticed any strange behavior before all this?" Nene asked.

"No... he was fine yesterday. We watched a movie together before he went to work, and then he just changed," GF explained.

"Do you think maybe he's just tired?" Nene asked.

"I thought so. But usually he will come out bright and early and talk about his day. Even when it was his busiest day of the year, he would come out and talk to me," GF said softly.

"I don't know, GF," Nene said back.

"Do you... think he's not into me anymore?" GF asked, choking up as her eyes swelled with tears.

"Nonsense. I think something's just really bothering him. He might not want to talk because he just wants some alone time," Nene explained.

GF looked down and sighed lightly.

"I hate this, Nene. I want to talk to my boyfriend. It doesn't feel right like this," GF said as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Maybe just try asking what's wrong. It's hard for me to know. And it's better than nothing to just ask," Nene told her.

"Ok." GF responded.

She hung up the phone and turned back to their room. She saw BF was just looking down at his phone, using his thumb to swipe down.

"Hey babe..." GF said.

BF looked up at her, but he showed pretty much no emotion.

"Are you... feeling ok?" GF asked.

"I-" was the word that came out of his mouth before he just stopped.

"You what?" GF asked, crawling onto his bed beside him.

BF sighed and just looked away from her.

"Hey, talk to me," GF spoke.

She put her hand on BF's chin and pulled him over to look her in the eyes.

"If there's something wrong, please talk to me," GF said.

BF just sighed and looked down at his legs.

"Whitty..." BF said softly.

GF's face widened and immediately knew. Whitty had been in the hospital for a week after getting in a bad car wreck. His injuries were really bad. Carol had been a mess, but she tried to keep a straight face. GF knew on the inside how hurt she was

BF nodded slowly and she could see the tears swelling in his eyes. It made too much sense now... all the grieving and needing time alone.

"He..." BF tried to say, but he kept choking on his words.

GF grabbed and hugged her boyfriend tightly. The sudden love he felt again from her made him feel so warm. He honestly hated himself for pushing her to the side. He had no reason to ever do that. Why didn't he just tell her in the first place what was going on?

"I know..." she said softly, resting her head on his shoulder.

BF pushed his head into her shoulder and let what needed to be let out go. He always knew he was lucky to have her. But he never realized how she was everything to him. He always loved and admired her... but coming out to her felt like the best thing in a long time.

He couldn't even say for a fact how long they hugged. He felt so safe in her arms... he was feeling happy again.

"Whitty's strong. And I know he'll get through this," GF said to her boyfriend.

"I just don't want to lose my best friend," BF replied softly.

"And you won't. I know he'll be ok. I'm always here whenever you need someone to talk to, babe," GF reassured him.

BF smiled and pulled away from her embrace slowly. She looked at him with a smile as he beamed at her.

"You're the best girlfriend ever," BF smiled.

GF's face lit up a lot and she took her boyfriend's hands, and held them tightly in his.

"Aww, and you're the best boyfriend ever. I couldn't imagine a life without you," GF giggled.

"Neither could I," BF smiled.

GF smiled and leaned BF down, causing his face to light up with a bright red.

"I'm so glad we got together, baby," GF said softly.

"I know... You mean everything in the world to me. And today I realized how much more... I really can't imagine anything of a life that didn't revolve around you..." BF confessed.

GF blushed heavily and planted a big old kiss on her boyfriend's mouth. His face lit up and he kissed her back. As they kissed, it brought a sweet memory back to him...


BF and GF were walking together in the park for their first date. He felt like he was the luckiest man to walk on Earth. He had finally gotten GF to be his girlfriend after so long of wanting it.

GF smiled as they walked over to the nearby lake and they sat on the brink. They took off their shoes and rested their feet in the cool water below them.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" GF giggled as she looked at BF.

"I hear it about twenty times a day," BF joked with a smirk.

GF smiled and leaned her head on BF's shoulder, looking out at the sunset before them.

"I'm so happy to be with you. You're the first guy I can really be myself with... I can actually tell you anything I need," GF spoke.

"I think that's what I love with you the most. I feel we're so compatible we could tell each other anything. I think even in the darkest of moods... the darkest of times... We'd love no matter what," BF smiled.

GF nodded and then kissed her boyfriend, loving every moment she had and was going to spend with him. _______________________________________________

Later, they had sat together in their room watching a show. Their love was even stronger than ever at this point. GF didn't even sleep on her side of the bed no more. She shared the same pillow as BF and kept herself wrapped up in his arms. That's all that mattered to her. They both knew they'd be Together Forever.

Hope you guys enjoyed this part. If you'd like, please leave a vote to show your support and comment down below. Love the feedback!

Stay safe everyone and have a great day!

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