I'm Sorry

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After one long day, BF and GF walked out of the arcade. It was pretty much closing at that point and the power had blown out.

So for context, this takes place after the mod Arcade Showdown. The arcade had blown a fuse and it officially closed for the night.

"That was funky indeed, huh?" GF asked, smiling.

BF didn't even say anything, he just continued to walk with his head down.

"Are you ok, babe?" GF asked.

He wanted to say something, but he just couldn't do it. Anyone would understand a situation like this.

If you went somewhere and someone hit up your girl and she showed a peak of interest, you'd feel hurt. And that's exactly how BF was feeling right now.

"BF..." she started.

"Just leave me alone, GF," he finally said.

BF kept walking, but she completely stopped in her place.

"Wh-what?" She stammered.

BF just stopped and let out an angry sigh, turning back to her.

"You're fucking crazy, GF. You actually think I'm gonna stick around after that shit back there?" BF asked, a heavy form of anger in his tone.

"I don't..." she started.

"You know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. Hitting up that fucking cat. 'Oooooh Kapi, show me what you got!' what kind of fucking shit was that??" BF asked, getting more angry.

"BF..." she started.

"No. Don't even. You had me stressed the entire damn time that if I lost, you'd leave with him! You might as well now," BF growled.

"Babe, I didn't-" GF started again, feeling tears in her eyes.

"Don't call me, babe. You want Kapi so bad? Go and have him. I should have fucking left you soon as you gave him a chance," BF argued.

GF's eyes were full of tears now. BF just sighed and turned back, walking away from her.

GF broke down and started crying as he left her. She couldn't believe what had happened. But it was all her fault. She started all of it. And because of it, she just lost the best thing that ever happened to her.

Things never exactly rekindled as she hoped the next day. She tried calling BF multiple times, no response. She sent several of text messages, no response neither. GF hated herself for what she caused.

GF never really did want Kapi. She liked the attention of two boys fighting over her. But she never, ever, wanted to leave with Kapi. GF didn't know of the damage she had caused BF though. She thought he just found it as fun of a game as it was to her. And instead, she jeopardized her relationship for the source of entertainment.

She had called Carol and Nene to come over later on and help her cope. Which of course they did since they were good friends.

"I hate this whole thing," GF wept in Carol's arms, after telling her the whole story.

"I feel bad for you, GF. But you know, you really did screw that up," Carol said.

"I know..." GF said softly.

"Yeah, what were you even thinking GF?" Nene asked.

"I- I didn't think it was going to hurt him that b-bad," she cried.

"No duh, GF. You're the smartest girl I know, yet you can't wrap your head around the fact that would hurt him?" Carol asked.

"I don't kn-know wh-what came over m-me," she sobbed.

BF x GF Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now