Alone Together (Kinda Smut)

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One late evening, BF was running around his apartment, trying to get it all tidied up. He wanted every corner to be spotless for her. You could damn well see how much he wanted to impress her.

So, BF and GF have been friends for years. They were actually the best of friends. BF would do just about anything for her. And he really wanted to take it to the next level. The thing was, he never really knew if she actually felt the same about him...

BF was in his living room, polishing the furniture as he suddenly heard a knock at the door. He immediately dropped his stuff and headed over to the door to let her in.

'Play it cool, BF. You're just having her over for the evening," BF said to himself.

He opened the door, and there was the beautiful brunette herself.

"BF!!" she cheered as she leaped into his arms, hugging him warmly.

BF blushed and smiled, hugging her back.

"Have you missed me?" she smiled.

"Of course I did. How was vacation with your parents?" BF asked.

GF pulled back so she could be face to face with him.

"It was fine. Had a time of my life at the beach. A guy hit on me and my dad sent him to the depths of hell," GF explained.

"Geez," BF said, chuckling lightly.

"But, I've been looking forward to seeing you again! I hated not being able to talk to you from out there. Stupid ass reception," GF said.

"Well, you get to see me now," BF blushed.

"And that's all that makes my day better," GF giggled.

She laid her head below his, causing BF to blush extremely as she tightened her grip on him. Damn she was just so hot. BF wanted to find a way to ask her out, but it was a bit difficult to find the right way to do so in his eyes. Even though he legit would have no problem considering how close they were.

"So, anything you wanna do here tonight?" BF asked, looking down at her.

GF pulled her head back to once again face BF.

"Maybe make some dinner and watch a movie?" she recommended.

"Good idea," BF smiled.

So with that, they went into the kitchen together and made up a little dinner. BF and GF always enjoyed being together when they could. There was always this sense of happiness.

"So, what all did you do on your vacation?" BF asked as he took a bite of his food.

"Nothing much. Me and Mom went shopping, Dad took us to the boardwalk, we went to the beach, and like I said, dad killed a guy," GF smiled.

"Sounds... fun," BF said slowly.

"It was I guess. It feels good to be home though," she said.

"I imagine," he responded.

After dinner, they cleaned up their dishes and put them away. GF followed BF into the living room and sat down beside him.

He flipped the remote and turned on the TV, and that's when the power completely broke out.

"What the hell?" GF asked.

Suddenly, they heard rain stumbling onto the rooftop and realized a storm had knocked the power out.

"Oh crap..." BF said.

"Of course this has to happen," GF sighed.

Suddenly, a strike of thunder went off and scared GF. She yelped and jumped into BF's arms, pushing her head against his neck in fear. BF actually had a fear of thunder too, but he didn't want to show it so he could impress her.

"It's ok. It's just th-th-thunder," BF stuttered.

"I hate the thunder. It scares me," she said, still keeping herself against him. BF blushed a lot, but he held her tightly in his arms.

"I ain't gonna let it hurt you," BF said.

"I know... I'm safe in your arms," she said softly, obviously still scared.

"Hey... how about we do a little something to get our minds off of it?" BF asked.

"Like what?" GF asked.

"I'll show you," BF beamed.

He stood up with GF still in his arms and took her back in his bedroom. Her face lit up entirely as he placed her down on the bed.

"BF..." she said as she watched him take his shirt off.

"Are you... ok with it?" he asked, flustered.

"More than anything," she said softly.

BF crawled on top of her and pinned her to the bed. She pulled him closer and made his face warm up.

"Show me your love," GF said.

BF smirked and he loosened her dress. GF pushed off his pants and let him do the same to hers. He leaned down and pressed his lips against her. The feeling of absolute love as they kissed was amazing. GF immediately kissed him back. The kiss was very passionate as it continued. He moved his hands down her body and made her blush alot.

He reached her bra, and pulled away slowly, looking in her eyes.

"Can I...? he started.

"Take it off," GF finished.

BF unclipped the back of her bra and it came off, revealing one hell of a fucking body. She giggled and pulled him back down. He loosened her up and got to having romance. He thrusted her warmly, making her moan as they did it. He kissed her neck too, as she loved every moment of it. BF pushed and pushed, making her moan even damn louder.
He pushed his shit into her and started up some extremely hot sex with her. GF loved the way he had her aroused, he had her loving every moment.

"Oh BF... show me how much you really love me," she moaned as he kept going.

BF smirked pushes even harder. He humps more roughly and makes her moan in extreme pleasure. She didn't want this moment to stop.

GF took his blanket and threw it over them, letting the moment continue even more tender.

They eventually had fallen asleep in each other's arms after getting tired enough. She was safe in his arms as they slept.

The next morning, GF and BF came out of his room together, holding hands.

"That was... exhilarating," GF said, completely flustered.

"It was..." BF said, still panting.

GF giggled and kissed BF very passionately, rubbing her hand on his cheek.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow... babe," she smiled.

"Will do," BF chuckled.

GF headed out the door extremely happy that BF was now her boyfriend. After she did, BF turned around and saw Pico, Whitty, and Darnell standing there.

Pico had a look of disgust, Whitty smirked, and Darnell grinned.

"Bro... why?" Pico asked.

"You got pretty busy there," Whitty chuckled.

"Damn straight, hardcore," Darnell laughed.

"Hey, I promised you pay you guys," BF said.

He gave them $25 each, causing them to look at him with a dirty look.

"Alright, $50 each," BF said.

"That's more like it," Pico said.

So for extra context, BF had hired the three boys to make the night go the way it did. Pico used a hose to make it rain hard, Whitty used creative thunder effects, and Darnell pounded on the roof. But they had not planned on hearing the hardcore sex BF and GF had.

The boys left with their payments, and BF smiled down at this phone as he got the first text from his girlfriend.

And for then on, they were the happiest couple.

Hope you guys enjoyed this smut part lmao.

Have a great and blessed day everyone!

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