Chapter 1

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"W-...Where am I?"

I stood there in question of what was happening. I wasn't supposed to be here, I wasn't even supposed to exist here, and yet here I am in the aftermath of a...strange battle.

I could immediately tell that I wasn't in the right place, all my resets weren't for nothing and they don't make me teleport out of no where. Clear as day, I remember blasting a guys head off with a rifle with 12 bullets left if I counted correctly, an explosion to my left, and a make shift APC turning the corner of a congested roadway.

My platoon commander taking cover behind another corner with the rest, barking orders on where to go and what to do, but for the countless times I had done I ignored him...kinda, I didn't want to get court marshaled. I followed his commands a couple times but it only got me so far. I did tell him about my situation but my GOD did it take some convincing to do, well at least he lets me do what I need to do now.

'Everyone has a bullet or something made to kill them at the right time' was a quote a friend of mine told me before he left. Oh the Irony on how it applies to my life since nearly everything right now has the intent to kill me specifically at this moment. From bombs to bullets, to knifes, to grenades, I had died from nearly each and every one of them at least once. I even got toasted alive in a tank thanks to an ATGM hitting the ammunition but not setting it off, my flesh peeling away as the fire scorched every part of my body before I died.

But I still woke up in the same place; the barracks. Hot and terrible as sweat and grime filled the place before an alarm would ring on the side of my bed, prompting me to wake up. This time however, was different. The geography didn't even come close to where I was supposed to wake up, the trees and rain was something I hadn't felt ever since going on that mission in the desert. It was overcast with some mild raindrops here and there with some birds chirping in the trees. Overall it was relieving to see something besides the deserts and sandy buildings.

"Is it over? Am I...done?" I said as I patted myself down and pinched myself. My arms, legs, and torso was still there with some scarring due to multiple resets. Same for my fingers and toes, eyes and ears, nose and hair.

The air was pleasing to breath in, it stung a little as my lungs took in the rain like air but after, I felt like I could do a marathon. What took my attention besides the land was the mild amount of devastation from where I was standing. From bullet riddled cars to APCs to Tanks that had suffered from ammunition detonation, dotted the hole and body filled landscape. Crows and eagles were picking off the dead bodies while the packs of wolves were dragging fresh ones to wherever they live.

I was familiar with such destruction, it never fazed me, not in the slightest, but to see that I was the only one left in it was quite...unnerving. The creatures that were besides the humans was what shook me even more. I saw what should've been the carcass of a large dog but the skeleton structure was that of a human, there was a tail, ears, and everything.

"What is that abomination?" I said as I walked towards the remains. The stench of rotting flesh was enough to make anyone wretch from it but I still walked on, unbothered by it. I looked at it, here and there as I crouched next to it, the body looking okay-ish, about 1-3 days. Some organs were there, but the head was burned and charred to a crisp revealing a bit of the brain and an empty eye socket. A section of the thing had its flesh intact but it was odd that there was something fluffy on it. I mistook it for an animal but when I tugged on it, it was connected to the flesh.

Moving onto another corpse, it was another furred human animal. It looked like a cat with some red stripes on its black fur. Female due to the two mounds on its chest or that's what you assumed. It wasn't blood, more like the fur was dyed or was red. You touched the fur and felt it for a bit. It was way too real for it to be cosplay and besides, why would someone cosplay in a battlefield. Like a cross between animal and human, this for sure was very strange.

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