Chapter 4

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The two cars have been driving for the past few minutes with the Humvee not firing a single shot at Tracer.

"Hmm...they must be chasing me to their base since they haven't fired a shot...might as well slow down since we're going to the same place" Tracer spoke as he reduced the pressure on the gas pedal.

The car slowed down till it was just 10 meters away from the Humvee despite them traveling at 70km . Now Tracer could get a good look at the furs in the car.

In total there were 5 furs, a wolf on the machine gun who looked to be male, a female black leopard on the wheel, a what looked to be a female tiger shark, a male cheetah , and a male fox. It was quite a sight to see but Tracer reminded himself that he was in the future and not in 2020.

"Man, Eric would love to see this." He said knowing that Eric used to draw animals. Eric would probably be head over heels for them. Their body structure and anatomy would make Eric foam in the mouth, especially if they were to wear fancy clothes like tuxedos.  He always had a weird preference for such art but it intrigued him since he drew it so well.

The road stared getting better and better in quality, no longer were there pot holes, stray logs, or animals on it. The trees started reducing in number from packed to somewhat spread out. This was a sign that he was getting close to the base or at least he thought it was.


"What was tha-"


The Humvee was now firing at the car.

"Never mind they're angry now." He said as he sped up to get away, the car struggling to speed up. The odd thing was, they were firing at the ground around him. It was strange at first but then he realized that they were firing warning shots. If he were them, he would've aimed for the tires.

"Waste of ammunition though..." He said as he slowed down again letting the bullets fly past the car and into the ground. Both cars were again 10 meters apart.

They fired again.


But the bullets only impacted the asphalt next to the car ruining the perfectly good road. However some did manage to damage the trunk of the car only by a bit. I just hope

He looked at the side mirror to see the leopard and wolf on the MG with a shocked face, the shark fuming with anger, the fox laughing, and the cheetah having a disapproving face while saying something to the rest.

"Huh...I wonder what's going on in there."

Inside the Humvee...

"BWAHAHAHA!" The Fox laughed as they continued driving.

"This guy has the audacity to slow down when we're shooting him?!" The shark yelled, fuming with anger.

*Sigh* "Y'know, we should've shot the tires and captured the human instead." The Cheetah reasoned.

"W-Well, who knows, it might be a message since we destroyed the humans' main base... We've been fighting for 35 years now." The leopard replied with a bit of worry in her voice.

"If so, this message better not blow up." Jak spoke before firing another burst.

This went on for a couple of minutes before the wolf gave up on shooting to which Tracer slowed down the car till they were only 5 meters apart.

"This guy is way too makes me angry." The shark mumbled while fidgeting with her Machine gun. It was hard to keep your trigger finger off when your enemy is mocking you.

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