Chapter 3

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"Nothing but instrumental music it seems" I said as I switched channels in the car.

Tracer had been driving for nearly an hour, nothing much happened besides some destroyed cars that he looted and found nothing. He checked his map to see if he was going in the right direction.

"Alright, if I keep heading here I can find a couple of gas stations and a better map. Maybe there might be a human settlement there...or more Anthros..."

Tracer decided to whistle with the music while driving. There wasn't anything else to do besides drive and look around. The music itself was quite weird but nice in a way, it was like a combination of rock and country, but there was no lyrics. The time signatures for the song was quite complicated to get the beat to so he dubbed it 'Math Rock.'

Rows and Rows of trees passed by the car as it drove in the morning sun. Just like the day before, it was quite peaceful with nothing trying to kill him. It was mildly interrupted when he found a dead human body on the side of the road, however it hadn't decomposed yet. Strange

"A little investigation won't hurt." 

Getting out of his vehicle, Tracer slowly walked to the body. It had a few bullet holes in the legs and arms with blood already forming a pool around it. He looked to be around his 40s, very ragged face, Caucasian, decent clothing with a dark green beanie on top. What took his attention was a pistol and one bullet casing on the ground. Slowly, Tracer lifted the dead body's head to find a gun shot straight through the temple.

"Not everyone has the guts to end have my respect."  

Tracer proceeded to pat around the body to find any Items. There was only a note book and an old flip phone.

"Don't mind if I do"

You inspected the phone, it had little battery left but just enough for you to get the date.

"Date: 23rd, April, 2065. So the war has been going on for 35 years? Talk about a long fight..." You said as you remembered the date on the news paper. This however proved to be a problem. If the fight lasted that long the how many humans are left? The armor that the humans were wearing in the battlefield you woke up in looked quite old compared to the Anthros'. From what you could see, the Anthros were clearly winning this fight. If you wanted to have a chance of  surviving you may have to find a human settlement or live in the woods by yourself.

Going through the phones messages was a mild waste of time as they were cleaned as well as contacts, most likely to ensure no information was leaked. Even the sim card was removed. You could check more, but the battery died and you were pretty sure you didn't have a suitable charger in the car.

"Most people would forget about least you didn't"

Moving on to the notebook, there were roughly torn off pages most likely for the same reason as the phone. The only thing that was left was a well hidden single sheet of paper with rushed handwriting, the guy must've written it in his last moments.

My name is Jackson Fennal, 35 years of age, male. I'm an engineer for the Human Revolution Force...or what's left of it. A couple days ago, the main base was raided by a bunch of  Anthros. They took those who surrendered and killed our commander. I managed to escape with the skin of my teeth, but the rest were taken to concentration camps. I-I don't know where to go, they never told us other bases besides ours to ensure total secrecy and the safety of the Human race. Their helicopter patrols are everywhere, trying to capture humans and find out where the other bases are, but we managed to destroy any communications records before they captured our base. The only one that I remember was somewhere along this road but even so, I'm not sure if its still there. To whoever reads this, if you manage to find my body. Give me a proper burial...Please.

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