Chapter 5

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Tracer woke up with a jolt. He remembered how he was killed by an alpha mimic at the French coast. It was him killing the mimic that started this mess and the journey he went through. Why he remembered it, he didn't know but there were other pressing matters at the moment 

 It took some time for his eyes adjust but once they did, he knew were he was immediately, the events of the past few hours hitting his head. The all too familiar metal table and chair, the fluorescent light in the ceiling although now changed to LED, the two way mirror to the right of the room, and the very much heavy cast iron door that separated him from the outside world.

His clothes were still the same as when he was in the car, minus the weapons, helmet and his notebook was missing. Out of everything else he was mostly worried about the notebook, for whoever opens that book would make them cry and vomit after a few pages of reading. At least he put a "Read at your own risk" note on the first and second page. Traumatizing someone wasn't part of his job least they were at least nice enough to put bandages on his head, chest, left leg. However, they didn't remove the metal piece that was stuck to his arm.

"How nice of them, I thought I was falling apart already..." Tracer said as he waited for someone or anyone to walk in.

Thanks to the resets, nearly all his senses were elevated. From something like echolocation to danger sense, his body adapted to the punishment in such resets. Right now, he could sense three people behind the glass mirror and two outside the metal door. The feeling on how he did it was indescribable, its like closing your eyes in a familiar environment. You know where everything is, even though you cant see it, you know it's there.

'Alright so five targets. Three without weapons, two with. Camera is on the top left of the room, monitoring equipment behind the glass. It isn't muffled like some bullet proof mirrors so it should be easy to get through, odd though.' He thought as he analyzed his surroundings, getting a visual picture of the surrounding area

Tracer had to make a plan for breaking out. If negotiations were to fail, he would have to resort to option A: Escape, or option B: Reset. He was still adamant at trying a "no death run." but if stun turned to kill...he would have to resort to otherwise.

'Chains on my arms and legs connecting to the chair. Rusty, not well maintained for some reason... With enough strength I could break them at the cost of minor injury. The door has a keypad lock from the outside, no way of access from inside. My only choice is the window...for now.' He concluded. If he managed to get out of the cuffs he could use the chair and slam it into the window. 

It sill wouldn't be enough since he didn't know where he was. He could be in a section of a heavily guarded base with different doors and hallways. Even his echo location had limits on how far it could project.

"Still, I need more information for the best approach."

Tracer waited and waited for 5 minutes as he heard talking from the glass panel. 

Then a minute passed, followed by another


or 10

Finally after about half an hour, he noticed a couple people walking too his cell door.

'Here we go.' He thought as he corrected his posture.

The door opened with a loud click, confirming that it was openable from the outside. In walked a deer anthro that sat on the other side of the desk while the Shark and Wolf anthro that caught him in the woods, stood behind her. There was a heavy silence as nobody said a word, breathing from the three in front of him was the only thing he could hear.

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