Chapter 6

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My name is Tracer, 23 years of age. An orphan with no family or relatives, living in an orphanage for most of my life.

When I was 18 I enlisted in the United Defense Force infantry division to fight. However our enemy wouldn't be humans, but rather, aliens. "Mimics" as we called them.

They arrived 2015, taking over Continental Europe with ease. At first we were struggling as they were nothing we had ever faced before, their bodies were maneuverable and could turn from a sort of fluid to obsidian shards in mere seconds, but we were not helpless. 

We made the Combat Jacket, a sort of, second skeleton that aids in the ability to carry heavy weapons that would exhaust a solder in mere minutes. But even so, our best men died as the war continued leaving us with unfit, amateur people that would take weeks to refine, weeks that we didn't have. Our only victory was in Verdun where Sergeant Rita Vrataski the "Angel of Verdun" single-handedly managed to hold off an entire force of these abominations on her first mission. For now we continued to hold off the Mimics at the English Channel as we enlisted every single person who was 18 and ready to fight.

In 2020 we created Operation Downfall. We would attack the Mimics in France across the strait of Dover and push from there into France with naval and aircraft support. 

But it was a trap. 

They knew we were coming and somehow made an impenetrable defense. The thing is...the Mimics had the ability to control time, reversing it somehow whenever an unusually large and blue mimic known as an Alpha dies. Using the information from the Alpha, they reset the day and do everything, knowing where we would be. 

Essentially 5D Chess with Multiverse Time Travel but you can only play normal chess against your opponent. 

Landing on the beach just like D-day, we fought but with us losing the fight...I was cornered and knocked out, my legs torn off from an explosion leaving only me, a rocket pack, and an Alpha surrounded by other mimics just 10 meters away from me.


It jumped on me stabbing me but I released the safety and fired causing multiple rockets to fly into it all at once and destroy it. Its blood tainting me and corroding my skin as I tried to scream but I couldn't, it lasted for about 2 minutes from what I could remember.

And then I died.

I woke up in the same bunker next to everyone else, just two days before the mission. I later realized that by coming into contact with an Alpha's blood, it allows you to have the ability to "reset."

A couple resets later and I find a guy called William Cage in the same predicament as me. We soon discover that Rita Vrataski also had the same situation in Verdun but she had a blood transfusion and lost the ability. The three of us then try to find a way to kill the Omega, the brain and life force of the entire Mimic invasion with the help of Doctor Carter, an expert with Mimic biology. 

We find out that Doctor Carter made a device that would allow a person to locate the Omega but only with an Alpha but its located in the Ministry of Defense building. The plan to infiltrate goes successful, we locate the Omega but we're captured with me and Cage getting a blood transfusion loosing our ability. 

With only one chance we manage to get a team, J squad and us to kill it but we all die in the process of doing so; First J squad, Rita, then me and Cage. For some reason as if fate had other plans, we both get soaked in the blood of the Omega, transferring the power to reset to us...again.

 Things...go back to normal now that the mimics die in the following reset. Cage resumed to being a Major in the United States Military, Rita got promoted somehow, and I...continued to fight in the army.

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