Chapter 2

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It was all I was doing now and I wasn't tired about it. After what felt like hours of walking on the road, I still continued treading on, looking around. Breathing. Laughing. And reflecting on my life choices. Without the feeling of death every corner, it allowed me to really think on how my life came to be and how bizarre my situation is. I never thought I would be doing this in my life or even what happened before I got transported. My old self in the orphanage would've called you crazy or insane if you told me what would happen but fate has its ways. Still I never felt tired, going from a steady walk to a jog, then a sprint then back again.

Besides the adrenaline of exploring what might await me, my body had adapted to the multiple resets. From more stamina to outright minor regeneration, I could fight an army and still survive with the right equipment, that is if I didn't get shot in the head, incinerated, or exploded. I lost count of the resets I had done, by about 100 I almost gave up counting, but I still continued. It told me or it proved how resilient I was and that where I am now is from years and years of trials and not giving up. To give up would be insulting what I had done to get to this point and even so, how would I give up? Once again, no way of turning back.

It kinda reminded me of the games I saw others play when I was younger. Now I know how those characters felt when they died and reverted back to their save point.

The rain and wind blowing past me felt nice. How I wished for my friends to be here. Eric, Ramirez, Jay, Kevin...and the others, they would've loved get away from the sand. Especially Eric and his interesting drawing skills.

"Now that I think about it, the creatures I've been seeing kinda look like the ones he drew...what a coincidence." I spoke to myself, it was interesting what the human mind can come with but to see it in real life is something else.

So far I had found nothing but wilderness, electricity poles that were on the brink of falling, and the asphalt road I followed. At some point I sat down on a large rock to record what happened in my trusty notebook before resuming to walk but besides that, everything else was peaceful. While I was walking I thought of the possibility of returning back to earth, something brought me here so it should be possible to go back.

"But if I do find a way back...Do...I...even want to go back?" I said to no one as I walked in the light drizzle. The memories of dying countless of times in that desert was a thing I didn't want to go back to doing. But abandoning my friends would be violating the reason why I fought in that desert. To see their families happy with joy that their son or daughter had returned from a near impossible battle was what kept you going. At least you died when the battle over, just a stray grenade ended your almost perfect run there but other than that, somehow everyone survived the invasion. 

"Maybe, if I can't go back, I could be a mechanic? All those times of tinkering with cars, planes and Exo suites should be of use..." I brainstormed, completely ignoring the lightening strike 30 meters away from me.

Only 5 seconds later did I look up and see the scorch mark on the patch of grass.

"First things first, find shelter and food."


After what felt like 10km of walking you finally found a God damn gas station. Never in your life did you feel happy on finding one. Sometimes you did but that paled in comparison to now as the storm was getting more and more worse. The Gas Station, however its rundown and looks like it has seen better days. It was still raining so being the man that you were, you decided to investigate and take shelter.

With your rifle in hand, you inspected the shop of the gas station. The counters picked clean besides about 5 candy bars, a spare tire, a toolbox, and some soda in a very much destroyed vending machine. Besides the occasional rat and roaches, the candy was actually clean and tasted good. If it were bad in any way and you didn't know it, you could always reset...if it worked here. You were glad that there was still some stuff left, whoever came here to raid it must've thought there were other survivors and picked only what they needed. It was a long shot but you believed it. You felt glad if it was the case, but that was thrown out the window when you found a skeleton with tattered clothes. The skull had a bullet shaped hole in the back of the head.

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