Chapter 7

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"Wake up furless freak! Major Chloe wants to see you!" A fur spoke while banging on the cell door

Tracer opened his eyes to be greeted by a blank old ceiling wall, the events of yesterday coming back to his head. He was surprised they hadn't kill him in his sleep...they had all the chance to dispose of him but they didn't.

" wasn't a dream...huh." I spoke while slowly getting up

He got out of bed with some difficulty due to the injuries of yesterday but managed to. Inspecting himself, his wounds form yesterday had healed, but as usual something was different.

There was a X scar he could feel on his face, quite large but not too deep into the skin. It went from either side of his cheek  to the top of his eyes, he would have to check on it later.

He opened the tap for water to wash his face but it refused until beating the crap out of it, allowing him to remove quite a bit of dried blood. It was refreshing, There was no mirror in the cell so probably missed some spots.

'Second day here and so far I haven't died. Neat.' He mentally spoke while walking towards the metal door and knocking on it.  

Once again, an anthro accompanied by five others put a duffel bag on his head, hesitating due to the sudden damage evident on his face but ultimately ignored. He still remembered the path they took so it was easy to determine if they were walking in the same direction.

He was lead to the same interrogation room as before, given a hard punch to the face and a kick before being put in the room. It probably gave him a black eye but it would heal in a few minutes.

Once again, he was placed on the chair forcefully as usual, with his hand cuffs being restrained to the table instead of the chair. Then the bag was released from his head. Opening his eyes, he was greeted with the cat from yesterday and two other guards behind her, both having shotguns.

They had also cleaned the puddle of blood the previous day but there was a visible stain on the floor compared to everywhere else. But what really caught his eye was a box of doughnuts and two glasses of milk on the table.

"Mind explaining your face?" She inquired, curious as to how within the span of 6 hours Tracer had an scar on his face. This brought his attention from the doughnuts to the situation he was in

"Yeah...It would be a long story if I told you..." He replied back with a sort of sheepish smile and his hand on the back of his head

In all honesty, this was a reoccurring problem for him. Naturally due to the uncountable amount of resets and the suffering his body endured, some form of indentation was to be expected. This came in the form of scars, most of them being cuts albeit quite smooth and clean compared to the usual ragged ones he would see in battle.  

"But in simple terms. Whenever I get a cut or related injury, on rare occasions, the injury will appear in the following reset as a scar when I rest. Not exactly sure how that works..." I explain to her while she listened intently.

Chloe put a hand on her fur covered chin, speculating as to how and why that would happen. Sure she wasn't an expert with time travel and theoretical physics but she could at least make some assumptions.

Meanwhile, she proceeded to grab a doughnut from the box before eating it and taking a sip from the milk and swallowing, making his mouth water and stomach churn in pain. 

'All other methods of gaining information are fine in my eyes, but using food? Really?' I criticized

"You must be hungry right?" She said in a soft tone as she continued eating making my stomach twist and turn but I composed myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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