The Hospital

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James somehow managed to carry Jill all the way to the hospital. He set her down gently on a bed in a room and called Carlos as soon as he could. "Carlos, I'm at the hospital."

"Good, I'm almost there. How is Jill doing?"

"She's infected. I don't know how much longer she has," James replied in a worried voice.

"We should still be able to save her. My team had intel that Nathaniel Bard had a vaccine, and he's hiding out there."

"Wait, there's a vaccine?!" James exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah, it's still experimental though. But it could save her life or at the very least slow down the infection."

"I'm gonna get it," James said, firmly grasping a handgun as he stood up from his spot near Jill's bed.

"No, I'll get it after I get there. It's too risky, especially with you being hurt," Carlos argued, trying to convince James to stay put.

But James was having none of it. He ignored Carlos completely, turning the radio off.

He turned back towards Jill, who was letting out quiet grunts of pain. "Do you hear that, Jill? There's a vaccine. I'm gonna go get it for you. Just keep fighting," James said, determination lacing his words. He had started to move towards the door when he felt something grab his hand. It was Jill. "James," she whispered, her voice sounding faint and scared.

James got down on his knees beside her and leaned down to her level. "You're gonna be okay, I promise," he said, his expression soft and gentle. She was visibly frightened, and he knew she needed comfort and reassurance. He gave her a gentle kiss on the head, trying to calm her and show her she wasn't alone.

James went deeper into the hospital, looking for Doctor Bard. He came upon a door, hoping to find the doctor on the other side. "Doctor Bard? Hello? I am in desperate need of some help!" he called out.

"No voice match found," a robotic voice replied.

"Voice match? What the hell kind of sci-fi bullshit is this?" he asked himself, growing more angry and frustrated by the second.

He knew he couldn't kick the door down with his injured leg, so he had to find another way in. He turned to his left and approached another door, determined to find a way into the room even if it meant going through a different entrance. But before he could reach the door, a giant claw came crashing through it, just inches away from his chest. The force of the crash knocked him back forcefully, leaving him disoriented and breathing heavily from fear.

Emerging from the door was a gigantic hunter, slowly and menacingly approaching James.

Emerging from the door was a gigantic hunter, slowly and menacingly approaching James

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"What the hell are you supposed to be?!" James shouted out as he raised his gun.

He fired a few shots as the giant creature charged at him, but they had no effect whatsoever. The hunter pounced on him and began scratching at his face and chest, its razor-sharp claws ripping into his flesh with each powerful strike. The pain was agonizing, and he could feel blood pouring from the injuries.

Just when James thought this was it for him, he heard gunshots. He saw the giant hunter shift it's focus away from him and look behind it to see Carlos, who was there with a gun pointed directly at the hunter. Carlos fired his entire clip at the hunter, causing it to fall backwards. James quickly grabbed his gun and shot three bullets directly into its head, finishing it off.

"Are you okay?!" Carlos asked, running up to James's side.

James was bleeding pretty badly, and he struggled to stand up. "I'm... fine," he replied with a weak, strained voice.

"Can you stand?" Carlos asked, looking concerned for his friend. James tried to stand but ultimately fell back down, his body having given out on him.

"Here, I got you," Carlos said as he helped James up.

"The vaccine might be in there, but it needs a voice match," James explained while pointing at the door.

"Voice match, huh?" Carlos said. He pulled out a tape recorder that had Bard's voice on it and played it.

"Voice match found. Welcome, Nathaniel Bard," said the robot.

"Good thinking," James complimented.

"I have my moments."

They entered the room and saw a horrifying scene. Blood was everywhere, spattered on the walls and floors. Dead bodies were scattered about, some mutilated beyond recognition. James could not believe his eyes. "No," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper, and his breathing heavy and shaky.

Carlos saw a body sitting in a chair and turned it around. "That's Bard..."

He had been shot in the head. "NO!" James shouted. "WE HAVE TO FIND THAT VACCINE! I CAN'T LET HER DIE!"

"I'm looking," Carlos replied.

"LOOK HARDER!" James shouted.

James and Carlos searched the whole room but didn't find anything. James found a computer and looked up anything having to do with a vaccine, but everything came up blank. "FUCK!" James shouted as he punched the computer screen.

"Easy, buddy," Carlos said.

Suddenly they both heard a beep, and a nearby freezer opened. James looked inside and saw a syringe with pink liquid in it. He held it up for Carlos to see. "Is this it?"

"Yup, that's it," Carlos confirmed.

"Oh, thank god!" James exclaimed in relief, his tension alleviated a little bit. As they were leaving the room, another hunter dropped down from the skylight and quickly approached them with malicious intent.

"Go give that to Jill!" Carlos said, his expression grim and determined. "I got this," he continued before unloading a barrage of bullets toward the hunter, trying to keep it at bay and protect his friend.

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