six. dont know what to think

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"GET OFF OF me!" Maisie was fighting for her life right now; a man was sitting on top of her back while her stomach was being pushed into the ground. She was screaming for her life, she didn't care if any walkers were around.

Glenn was too busy shooting at the walkers coming for him to notice what was happening with Maisie. Rick and Hershel were also trying to get rid of more people who shot at them. None of them were paying attention to Maisie even though her screams of pain were loud.

The man was shooting the walkers coming for him and Maisie, he ended up covering the brunette's mouth which muffled her cries.

"Shut the fuck up!" He shouted.

"Fuck you!" Maisie spat. She used all of the strength she had left to turn her bruised body around and punch the man in the face.

It didn't go well for Maisie because the man used the back of his gun to hit Maisie on the side of her face. But before he could flip her back over onto her stomach, the sound of something getting stabbed into flesh was heard and blood dripped onto Maisie's face and into her hair. The body atop her fell limp with an arrow sticking out of his head. She pushed the body off of her and looked up to see Daryl who held his hand out for her to grab.

"Thanks," Maisie says, grabbing his hand while he pulls her up and onto her feet. Daryl was staring at the cut on Maisie's cheekbone while it dripped with blood.

"Don' mention it." Daryl pulls out a bandanna and lightly presses it onto Maisie's cheek causing her to grab the bandanna while he bent over to retrieve his arrow. Maisie grabbed the gun the man stole from her and put it back into her waistband.

"What even happened?" Daryl asked while he reloaded his crossbow. Maisie stared at his arms for a second, she forgot what the question was until he looked up at her with a confused look.

"Couple a' ass-"

Maisie got interrupted by a gunshot going off, almost hitting her in the head. Daryl grabbed Maisie by her wrist and dragged her behind a wall, slightly looking over his shoulder to see who shot at them.

A bunch of shouting began to happen. Maisie pushed past Daryl and looked up to the roof where a boy who looked like a teenager was. His group of friends were shouting at him to jump off. Maisie watched closely as the boy jumped off the roof and landed on a garbage. He screamed as his whole group jumped into the car and drove away.

"He took that quote "if your friends jump off a cliff, would you?" too seriously," Maisie mumbled, immediately running over to the boy who was screaming bloody murder and who also had a fence sticking out of his leg.

Maisie saw the rest of the group surrounding him while Glenn started to shoot at the walkers coming their way. Maisie stood by his side, shooting the walkers as the others tried to get the boy's leg off of the fence.

Everyone's words were a blur. The only thing Maisie heard was the boy's screams and the growling of the walkers. The gunshots were loud, but the screaming of pain was louder. Maisie was almost out of ammo, shooting every walker that even took a step. Maisie heard flesh get ripped apart and an arm grabbed her. She turned around and saw Rick rushing to the car, holding that boy they saw. He was passed out. Hershel, and Glenn ran to the car with Rick while Daryl pulled Maisie to his motorcycle.

The engine of the car and motorcycle started and as soon as Maisie jumped onto the bike and got a firm grip on Daryl, he began to drive. The wind was blowing her hair back as the car behind her was heard. The growls of the walkers were everywhere, no escape.

 The growls of the walkers were everywhere, no escape

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