eight. interrupted

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MAISIE AND DARYL were sitting at his camp. Maisie loved how much time they were spending together, but Daryl hated it. Only because he realized what he was feeling for her. Only because he knew she didn't feel the same. He hated this feeling. The feeling of his insides fluttering and flipping like butterflies were inside his stomach. Always being nervous and excited when she spoke to him. His cheeks going a small tint of pink when she said a silly comment.

He hated it.

No, he didn't.

He watched as Maisie gave her dog gestures, trying to make him do unknown tricks that he'd never heard of in his life. He watched as she threw her head back in frustration, her eyebrows furrowing when Reaper did a random move. He tried to focus on the bolts he was making, but he wasn't able to.

"Play dead," Maisie gives her dog a flat hand gesture which makes him sit and tilt his head in confusion. Maisie stares at her dog, a look of confusion in her eyes. She was confused about her dog not understanding human words like he usually does.

"Give 'im another one. You been on 'bout that one for the last 20 minutes." Daryl chuckles, his voice deep in a way that makes Maisie almost get a shiver down her spine.

Maisie puts on a thinking face, she didn't know as many dog tricks as she thought she did, "Reaper, wave." Maisie raised her hand and lightly waved it around causing the dog to sit down and lift his paw. "Good boy." Maisie smiles, giving the dog hugs because she ran out of dog treats days ago.

Maisie felt Daryl's eyes on her, she's been feeling that for a while now. She let him figure out what he was doing until he finally looked away. Maisie sighed, she wanted to know why he had been acting weird. This was the most oblivious she could ever be. Daryl glanced at her in concern before looking back at his homemade arrow.

Maisie looked up at the dark sky, nighttime had always been her favorite. The dark blue sky and how it was still full of light due to the moon and stars shining brightly. There were still clouds, Maisie loved that. A light breeze passed through, a smell of the dead entering her nose. She shook the weird smell away, that was normal. The smell of the dead haunted her when she slept, but she had to live with it for the rest of her life. The light breeze also blew Maisie's hair into her mouth so she immediately spit it out and shook her head with a scrunch of her face.

Daryl chuckled again, his eyes still on the bolt he was creating. Maisie looked over at him, running her hand through her dog's fur, "What's so funny?"

"You," Daryl replies.

Maisie shook her head and rolled her eyes, leaning into the tree they were up against. Her eyes shifted back onto the sky, the silence surrounding her other than the soft breathing of Daryl and her dog. Maisie looked back down at the crossbow.

"Can you teach me how to use that in the right way?" Daryl smirked at Maisie's words, unnoticeable.

"Yer stance is a'right, just gotta show ya how ta aim an' shoot right." Daryl made his smirk noticeable so Maisie scoffed out a sarcastic laugh.

"Jerk." Maisie mumbles, staring at him for a couple of seconds until he notices and looks at her.

Maisie couldn't look away, neither could Daryl. Their eyes kept looking at each other's faces, looking for a sign that said lean in. Maisie was the first to do something, and Daryl followed after. Their noses touched, and Daryl tilted his head so his lips could touch hers. But that didn't happen.

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