ten. distant memories

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MAISIE RAN UP to Beth and Hershel after reuniting with everyone else, embracing Beth and Hershel in the most loving hug ever. She missed them dearly, this hug was important to her. She felt Beth shaking against her body while Hershel rubbed his hand up and down both of their backs. Maggie soon joined the hug, a smile on her face as she rested her forehead on Maisie's shoulder. Maisie felt as if something was missing, she looked down to the floor and realized Reaper wasn't around.

"Where's Reaper?" Maisie asks, pulling away from the hug with a smile still on her face. Everyone's faces turned into one of sadness. Maisie looked at the trio in confusion, waiting for someone to answer her.

"He's inside, he's been sick." Hershel spoke softly, a hand on her back before turning to Beth, "Take your sisters inside."

Beth smiles happily, grabbing Maggie and Maisie's hands and leading them inside. Maisie looked around, she's been inside of a prison before the apocalypse, but it's been a while and she's never lived in one. She was excited but scared because the beds were usually uncomfortable.

Maisie looked over to a group who were sitting at the tables, she gave them a small smile and a wave which a woman reciprocated. Beth let go of Maggie's hand while she went somewhere else, but she was leading Maisie to a cell that was almost at the end. Once they made it to the cell, Maisie looked down and saw Reaper with a food and water bowl in front of him, they were both halfway full. Maisie frowned, kissing Beth on her forehead before she walked over to Reaper and sat down beside him. Maisie pulled Reaper onto her lap and began petting him and kissing his fur. Reaper shot up, tail wagging as he got comfortable in her lap.

"Hey, bud." Maisie greets, a large smile on her face, "I missed you so much." Reaper licked her hand before shoving his head against her chest.

After a long while of Maisie lying there with Reaper, she decided to get up and see the rest of the group. The prison was oddly empty which didn't sit right with Maisie. Her stomach had a bad feeling but she guessed it was from the lack of food. What snapped Maisie out of her gaze was a baby crying. Maisie immediately stood up and began speed walking towards the sound, she was excited to see Lori holding the baby. She was excited to see the baby. But when she made it to the sound, she saw Beth, Rick, and another girl who was Beth's age. Her hair was curly and she looked like she had been crying.

Maisie tapped Rick on his shoulder, gesturing for him to hand her the baby which he happily did. Maisie moved the blanket out of the baby's face and smiled at it.

"Boy or girl?" She asks.

"Girl." Rick and Beth say in unison, a happy expression on their faces as they watch Maisie rock the baby. "Her name's Judith." Rick introduces, patting Maisie's shoulder before walking away.

When Rick was finally out of listening distance, Maisie looked at Beth with a questioning look, "Lori? T-Dog? Sophia?" Beth looked to her feet at Maisie's words. Maisie couldn't believe it. She was gone only a couple of months, she wished she was here. She looked over to Carl who was at the other side of the prison, his eyes were cold. Maisie handed the baby back to Beth.

"This is Riley." Beth nods her head towards the curly-haired girl who is staring at Beth. She immediately looked at Maisie when Beth said her name.

Maisie extended her hand "Maisie," she introduced as the girl reciprocated with a handshake.

After the awkward introduction, Maisie kissed Beth's head and whistled for Reaper as they walked back into the main room. She saw an unknown man talking to Carol, his hair was red and he had a mustache. Maisie was still bleeding and she didn't feel like getting stung with alcohol at the moment so she avoided Hershel as much as possible. That was until Maisie saw the whole group inside the main room, speaking to the opposite group.

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