nine. just got back

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MAISIE COOPER WAS hiding in a tree, currently running from four men. She only had her friend, Michonne, with her. The night at the farm is a memory Maisie will never forget, she remembers every action, reaction, and word. Michonne found Maisie and Andrea in the woods and helped them for months. They ended up getting accepted into a community, but Maisie thought something felt off. Michonne felt the same, so they ended up leaving. Andrea didn't go with them (which didn't surprise Maisie), but she felt a little heartbroken. Maisie and Andrea had been getting closer, then she threw it all away just to keep herself safe.

The tree bark was scratching Maisie's back as she tried to slide down so the men couldn't see her. She had scars on her back from before the apocalypse started so it was only hurting her more. Michonne was on the tree to the left of Maisie because they had a plan. The men kept screaming for the women, they also had guns. Maisie had an axe and Michonne had a sword. She hoped Michonne's plan worked, she couldn't die yet. She didn't want to die yet.

"You gonna leap out of the woods, two against four, all of us armed to the teeth and you with just a little pig-sticker?" A man named Merle was one of the men chasing the two down. Maisie hated him. As soon as she got there he tried acting flirty with her but she shrugged him off. "No, no, no, Michonne."

Maisie looked over to Michonne who nodded her head and the two women jumped down from the tree in unison. Maisie jumped onto a man's back and smashed her axe into his head. Blood splattered onto her face as she pulled the axe out and ran away with Michonne. Gunshots were ringing in her ears as Merle shot at them, missing every shot. But then, a groan escaped Michonne's lips when he grazed her leg. Maisie grabbed Michonne's arm and wrapped it around her shoulder as the two ran in sync, no thoughts entering Maisie's mind.

Her legs were hurting but she wasn't worried about herself, she was worried about Michonne. They needed to rest because they had been running for hours without a break. Maisie stopped running causing Michonne to furrow her eyebrows. Maisie took Michonne's arm from around her shoulder and sat her down on a rock.

"What are we doing?" Michonne asks, eyes wide in disbelief as Maisie takes off her t-shirt and rips it apart.

"Stay here, alright?" Maisie says, wrapping the ripped part of her t-shirt onto Michonne's leg. (she has a muscle shirt on btw)

Michonne didn't get to say anything because Maisie was already running towards Merle and the other kid. She was wondering why they sent out a teenager to fight against two adults, she hated that. She hated the fact that the man in charge didn't care for his people at all.

Maisie hid behind a tree and waited for the right moment to come up behind Merle. She didn't want to kill the boy, he seemed to be afraid. She noticed how he stood behind everyone with a look of fear in his eyes. He watched two of his men go down and was still forced to fight by Merle's side. That's what Maisie saw, anyway.

Maisie ran up behind Merle and as she was about to slice him open, the boy pushed Merle out of the way which caused Maisie to cut his stomach. It wasn't a huge cut, just a small one. Maisie kicked the boy in the stomach before turning to Merle and blocking the knife he was about to stab her with. The axe and the knife were scraping together which made an unpleasant noise that Maisie despised. Merle somehow managed to throw the axe out of Maisie's hand and then throw her onto the ground, right on her back. Merle inched closer to Maisie so she kicked his private which made him lean down in pain and she took that as an opportunity to kick his face.

Maisie heard the walker growls so she started to crawl towards the axe that was further away than she had expected. She couldn't breathe, she was coughing for air because when Merle threw her to the ground, she felt as if the air was sucked out of her body. While Merle was fighting off the walkers, he threw one towards Maisie. Maisie was unaware of the walker that was reaching out for her, that was until she heard a slice and felt blood and guts fall onto her back. Maisie turned around in confusion which also caused the guts and blood to get into her front side. Maisie scrunched up her face in disgust before grabbing her axe and taking the hand of Michonne who was also covered in guts and blood.

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