Dreamt (7/1/2019)

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Dear Diary,


As I wait to board a two seated plane, I look out of the empty airport terminal window, while a black headed bat with white feathers and protruding white fangs flaps its wings in the air behind me. Within moments, a bunch of people walk up on the tarmac and begin to bang on the window. And with it echoing throughout the terminal, they chant and yell, "We refuse to move on!"

"What? Why are you yelling that? I'm boarding the plane. I don't have time for this!" I yell back, as I walk over to my chair, and pick up my bag.

"They look like zombies!" the bat says, as it lands on my shoulder.

"Because they are," I say, as I walk down the terminal, and then onto the plane.

As I sit in the co-pilot seat, the bat disappears, and I close the door, and put on my seatbelt. Looking over at Victoria, and putting on my headpiece, I ask her "Where are we going?"

"We're going to Salem!" Victoria says, as she puts on her seatbelt and headpiece. Hitting the switches on the plane, the propellers begin to spin and the engine roars, and she then asks, "Are you ready?"

"Yeah! I'm ready. It's the middle of the night though. Is it safe?" I ask, as Victoria pulls the airplane lever back, and then takes off down the runway. As we ascend in the air, I look up at the full moon, and I ask her, "Is it safe to land?'

"Yes, it's safe. Look down there! We're almost there already. I'm going to land on Route 128. Our main highway," she says, as she adjusts her headpiece, and points out the window.

"Okay!" I say, as she pulls the lever forward.

As we descend, she puts her left pointy finger in the air, and says, "Do you see this tattoo on my finger. It's a tattoo of a Scorpio and Sagittarius embedded together. This is not a good idea. Just so you know. You need to know!"

"Okay!" I say, as she lands on the highway. With her coming to a screeching halt moments later, I take off my headpiece and seatbelt, and then say, "I'll remember that."

As she nods her head, and smiles, I then jump out of the plane, and walk down the dark highway. With the moon lighting up the pavement, and cars driving by, they flash their high beams and beep, while bright yellow, blue, orange yarn appear to the left of me. Grabbing the string, and making a right-hand turn, I then look over to my left, and watch Victoria gain altitude. With her disappearing into the night sky, I then walk till I come across a crowded bridge. Pushing my way through the crowd, I walk over the bridge, and a man approaches me. Placing his arm on my left shoulder, he then says, "You need to keep walking!"

"Okay," I say, as we come to the bottom of an escalator, and as I stand at the bottom of it, the man then walks away, and I get on. As I ride to the top, I then walks until I enter a lobby with an elevator. Seeing two red uniform guards standing and holding silver swords in their hands in front of a closed elevator, the sword tip touches their nose, and they smile at me. With me standing there watching them, the elevator then dings and opens, and the guard puts their arm in the door to hold it open, while a bunch of people pass me and get on. As they get on, the guard then hits the down button, and the people scream, and with darkness instantly hitting me, the guards then look at me, and one of them says, "They're all going to hell."

Shaking my head, I keep walking until I come across a large fast flowing grey river to the left of me. As I walk next to the river, I eventually pass a willow tree that has multiple crystal balls, and red apples hanging on the tree branches. With it catching my attention, I stop and look at them, while an older woman approaches me, and says, "You should follow me."

"Okay. Where are we going?" I ask.

"You'll see," the women say, as she walks away. As I follow her, we then approach a house, and we walk. The woman sits down at a table, and picks up a deck of tarot cards, and hands them to me, and asks, "How do they feel?"

"They feel energetic," I say, as I hold them in my hand.

"Why don't you flip a card over and read it?" she asks, while she shuffles another deck.

As I flip a card over, I try to read it, and say, "Now what?"

"Take the cards! You should learn them," the woman says, as she flips the cards over.

"Thanks," I say, as I put the tarot cards in my pocket, and walk out of the house, and down the street.

Seeing an empty truck with a boat hitch to it, I get into the truck and start it, and then drive down the road. As I look in the rearview mirror, and see chaos everywhere, I then pull into a house, and park the boat in a greyish blue garage, and put the truck in park. Getting out of the truck, I then close the garage door, and when I turn around, a woman wearing a black fur coat leans on the boat, and I tell her, "Don't go inside that boat!"

As the woman looks at me with a snarl, she then jumps on the boat, and begins taking items and stuffing them in her pocket. Within moments, the boat beings to then shakes violently back and forth, and I jump on the boat. With my finger pointing in the air, I walk over to her, and tell her in a demanding voice, "Stop and put those things down."

"No! These things are mine! There are no such thing as supernatural souls," she yells, as she jumps off the boat with pockets full of items and runs out if the garage.

I then jump off the boat, and run down the driveway, and look for her. Standing at the edge of the driveway, a white tractor trailer drives past me, while a black truck with bright blue flashing lights on the hood, drives towards the tractor trailer hitting his horn. The blue truck then veers out of the way, and slides into a ditch, and sits at an incline. Within moments, the white tractor trailer puts it in reverse and pulls up to the truck, and revs its engine, as hands grow out of the driver and passenger side windows. The tractor trailer then puts on white gloves, and punches the hood of the black truck, while beeping it's horn multiple times, as black exhaust smothers the truck. Within seconds, the blue truck shrinks, and I walk back up the driveway, and into the house, and go into a pantry closet. Locking the door, I then crouch down, and peep through the keyhole, and watch Geo walk into the kitchen, and sit on a barstool that's at the counter. He then looks around, and lifts his head up to the ceiling, and opens his mouth wide. With white smoke floating out of his mouth, he sadistically chuckles. As looks around one more time, he then gets up, and walks over to the open kitchen window, and begins to climb out. Becoming stuck halfway out the window, he then shakes his legs back and forth, as he tries to push himself out. Within moments, he pushes himself out, and lands in the grass on his feet, and then runs towards a field.



Thanks For Reading!
J. Sweet


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