Dreamt (6/12/2019)

28 7 0


Dear Diary,


Standing on a metal bridge in the middle of the night, I grip the metal railing to keep my balance, as thick grey smoke rolls towards me. And with the cold metal touching my fingers, I then walk across the bridge. With five teenage boys standing in a straight formation and staring at me at the end of the bridge, I sense that they're testing me. Without saying a word to them, I walk past them, and push a two-foot metal gate open and walk down the set of stairs, while a bright white light shines down on me.

"You don't scare me," I yell, as I look back up at them, while I stand at the bottom of the stairs.

With one of the teenager's looking over the railing, he yells back, "We're not here to scare you. We're here to show you something."

As I stare back at them without replying, I then turn around, and push another gate open, and walk down another set of stairs. Approaching another metal gate, I then push that gate open, and walk down another set of spiral stairs and enter a dark field, as heaviness sits on my body.

With a red convertible Corvette up ahead, I then run up to it, and jump in it. Slamming on the gas pedal, I drive down the road, and a dark chill runs up my back, as I sense that something is going to lurk out of the shadows. Making a quick left turn, I drive a few more blocks, and then slam on the brakes. Flinging the car into reverse, I then crash into a fire hydrant, and I sit there looking out the passenger side window, and see Kyle jogging down the road. Putting the window down, I then yell to him, "What are you doing, Kyle?"

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm going to run through the corn maze," he yells back, as he runs into a five foot cornfield.

As I get out of the car, I then run into the corn maze, but I lose sight of him. And as I stand there looking around for him, I then start running again until I get to the end of it. Standing in an empty grassy field, I catch my breath, and look around one more time trying to spot him. And with him being nowhere in sight, I then begin to kick my feet through the grassy field, and instantly my foot hits a wooden boomerang. Picking it up, and examining it, small green snakes begin to pop out of the grass, and slither by my feet, as they fart and burp in two's. With them slithering all around me, I pick up a rock, and pull the string back on the boomerang, and hit a snake. Watching it quiver, I drop the boomerang onto the ground, and I stand there and contemplate on what to do next.

With a large building up ahead, I then walk towards it, and walk inside. And with it being empty, I then walk down a long narrow hallway, and into an office. Turning on the radio, and listening to the music, I then walk over to the desk, and pick up a candy bar. As I eat it, while I look around, I see that there's nothing there that interest me, and I then walk out of the office, and back out of the building.

As I stand outside and look around to see where I go next, a small two door black car pulls up. With the back passenger car door flinging open, I then climb into the backseat, and ask the strange man who's driving, "Where are we going?"

"You'll see," he says, as he puts it in drive. As he drives a couple blocks, he then pulls into a parking lot restaurant, and then says, "You're here. This is where you're going!"

"Thanks for the ride," I say, as I get out of the car, and walk into a dimly lit restaurant.

Pushing my way through the crowd to the corner of the restaurant, I then sit at a table with my back to the wall, and watch the crowd, as Geo walks into the restaurant. With him spotting me, he then walks over to the table, and asks, "What are you doing? Is this a bad time."

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