Chapter Three: The Phone Call

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Four Days Later


Everything hurts. My entire body aches. My head is killing me. My arms hurt. My legs have pins and needles running through them.  Last night I slept next to the door. Just to be next to Dustin. Even if there's a door in the way. My brother's been up here twice. 

He's argued the both times. I won't let him win on this one. I don't want body guards.

I'm currently eating a can of cheese pringles. I have a huge stash pile of food in my walk-in-closet. And 3 cases of water. I could hide out here for a month without anybody realizing I was missing. I've done it before. Right my dad died, I have a concert performance that nobody showed up to. I had to walk home that night. I knew if my daddy was still alive, that he would have been there cheering me on. That I wouldn't have been forgotten. 

So I locked myself in my room. My stash piled was non-exist. I didn't realize that I needed a huge pile of food. Most night I would sneak downstairs when they were all out partying. Nobody really noticed until school called and said I'd been sick for two weeks. 

I felt miserable. For two weeks nobody noticed I wasn't there.  I didn't matter to anyone. 

Luke came pounding on my door. It wasn't locked. After the first week I unlocked to see if anybody would even bother coming in. 

He found me culred up with my dad's picture in my hands. I think he realized that things had to change. He and his friends had to take care of me. 

I reached over and grabbed a snickers bar. 

I just want my brother to understand that he can't treat me like every other pack member. 

I'm currently watching the 5th season of Law & Order:SVU. Thanks to the guys I have a huge dvd collection. 

My cell phone started to ring. 

'Hello.' I answered. 

'Hey Emma.' Dominic said. 

'Hey Dom.'

'Em, how are you doing?'

'Bad. I locked myself in my room.'


'Because Luke want me to have bodyguards.And I don't want them.'

'Why does he want bodyguards?' Dom asked. 

'Promise mot to freak out when I tell you everything.'

'Emma you know I can't promise you that. You're my baby sister.'

'Fine. Remember I emailed you a couple of months ago about Becca's party.'

'Yeah, you never told me how it went.'

'That's because somebody spiked the punch. All I can really remember is getting really dizzy and the next morning I woke up in the barn.' 

'No Emmy, He didn't, did he?' Tears poured down my cheeks. 


'Did you tell Luke?'

'No. Well not right away. Dominic, I'm pregnant.' I sobbed by then. No matter what they said I was still a disappointment. 

'Emma, we're getting on a plane tonight. I'm coming home monkey. It's gonna be okay sweetie.' 

'Dom, a week ago someone tried to kill Mia and me. They ran us off the road.'

'God damn it. I knew there was something Luke wasn't telling me. He just told me that you got hurt and had to go the hospital. I never I shouln't have left you there alone. What the hell does he think he could hide everything? I promise I'll be there as soon as possible princess. But you need to let someone into check on you, okay?'


'Emma Alyssa. You let someone in or I'll tell where the spare key is.'


'Emma, I'm gonna be there in less than 24 hours. I love you monkey.' 

'Okay. I love you too.' 

After we hung up I went to the door. I unlocked it and poked my head out. 

Dustin was the closet to the door. He stood up and walked over. 

I grabbed his hand and pulled him into my room. I locked the door again. 

'Sweetheart-' I held my hand up and stopped him from talking. I pulled him overto my bed and crawled in. He crawled in next to me and just held me while I cried.


She fell asleep at some point durring the day. She was snuggled up close to me like I was going to disappear. I rubbed my hand across her bump. At least I knew her and the baby were okay. 

I peeked at the clock, Dominic and his friends Riley and Nikko should be here any minute.Luke wasn't going to be happy. But they were important to Emma. 

The last four days have been horrible. The first night I coul hear her whimper like she was having a nightmare. She would calm down for a few minutes then it would start again. I didn't sleep a wink. The guys kept trying to switch on and off with me but I couldn't leave her. Not like this. Islept the next day while she was awake. Because I knew she was okay. Tucker sat outside her room waiting for something. I used to be jealous of the guys because they're all connected to her. She knows that she can count on them. 

But then I realized that they're her brothers. She loves each fo them in her own way. The fact that Remi can take care of her when she's sick or Ray cooks for her didn't matter. They're just her brothers. 

The second night was just as bad. More nightmares. During the day Luke had been up twice and both times they argued. 

The second night was bad on me. Becuase I could hear her crying out for me. It hurt that I couldn't be in there for her. 

And then last night she slept by the door. I could feel her presences right there at the entrance so I slept  right there. 

She didn't whimper or call out in her sleep but I knew she'd be in pain today. This morning I could hear her moaning in pain. 

But seeing her sleeping here right now, calmmed me and her. I could hear noise downstairs. My best bet was that Dominic is home. 

He's my mate and I'm pregnant and it's not his.Where stories live. Discover now