Chapter Seven: Getting Ready

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Dustin and I were in our room the next morning getting ready for the day. 

"You're sure the doctor said every thing's okay with you and the baby.?" Dustin asked. 

"Yes. The doctor said that the baby and I are actually really healthy. That all the damage from the car accident is almost healed." I told Dustin. 

"Good. I've been so worried about everything we've been telling you and that it could harm you or the baby." Dustin said he hugged me. 

"The doctor said everything should be okay. He said that the baby's heartbeat was strong. Dustin do you think that Ben will come after me and the baby?" I whispered. 

"If  he does, we'll be waiting for him. There's no way Dominic and I will ever let him get near you or the baby." Dustin said. He hugged me even tighter. 

"What Valco and my step mom?"

"Dominic and I are trying to figure that out. But we have to wait for the counsel to get here before any major decisions are made sweetie."


"Hey, we will keep you and this baby safe. We will always be there for you." Dustin said trying to cheer me up. 

"Let's go get some breakfast."  I said. 

"Alright." Dustin and I walked down the hallway. 

Mary, Allie and Becca were sitting at the island. 

"Good morning you two." Allie said as she got up and walked around the island. 

"Morning. Where are the guys?" I asked as I sat down. 

"They went for a run and should be back soon. Mia and Ray haven't been out of their room since last night." Becca said as she took a sip of her coffee. 

"So how did the doctor's meeting go last night?" Mary asked me. 

"Good. He told me that the baby and I are fine and that by the end of the summer we should have a baby to celebrate. " I said as I took the glass of  oj that Dustin was handing me. 

"Oh that means we get to baby shop." Allie said.  I smiled. At least everyone was happy about the baby. 

"What do you want for breakfast sweetie?" Dustin asked me. 

"Fruit. Dominic and Aleaha are taking us out to lunch today."

"That's right. How about some cuties and a banana?" 

"Sounds good."

"God I wish Tucker made me breakfast." Allie said. 

"When you get pregnant I'm sure that Tucker will make you anything he can." Mary said. 

"Hey, I'd be making this for Emma even if she wasn't pregnant. Just my luck that she is." Dustin said as he peeled a cutie for me. 

"Well I can wait for babies because Alex and I have been arguing lately." May said. 

"Oh." We all looked at Mary. 

"Alex and I have been arguing about everything . Lately it's been about me going back to finish my degree."

"Right, that one in that mind doctor thing?" Allie said. 

"Yeah that one. That would mean going to Boston to finish it. He doesn't waht me to leave but I know I need to finish it.  Well last week Alex was going through the mail and foun my aceeptance  letter to Boston's Medical School."

"Ouch. That hd to be a bad fight."

"He tossed the letter at me and walked out. He thinks I should be at home and taking care of everything."

He's my mate and I'm pregnant and it's not his.Where stories live. Discover now