Chapter One: The Truth

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I lay in the hospital bed, the blanket wrapped around my legs. The room was painted green and white. The TV was mounted to the wall across from my bed. The room smelt like yucky hand sanitzer and a cleaning products. 

The IV in my hand made it hard to text people. Hell the IV in my hand made it hard to do anything. It hurts whenever I move it.  Not that there were a lot of people that I wanted to text. I scrolled through the numbers in my contact list. I knew I had to call somebody. They deserved a phone call, not a text message. 

My fingers landed on Dustin's number. He would help me. I know he would. I always know that if I'm ever in trouble, he'll be there to sort it out for me. He'll stand by my side. I'm really hoping that now because I need him more than ever. I pressed the number and hold it up to my ear. It rang. I prayed that Dustin answered. I know that I shouldn't worry because Dustin always answers his phone.  Everyone else was with him. They were watching him compete in the finals. Maybe he wouldn't answer.  Maybe he was busy for once and wasn't going to get to his phone. 

The third rang and he picked up. I let out the breath that I didn't realize I had been holding in. 

"Hey princess. I was just about to call you. Where are you? I miss you princess. We're getting ready to fight." He said with his sweet southern drawl. Tears leaked down my face. How could I tell him this. A couple of sobs escaped my mouth.

"Princess, are you okay?" I knew he could hear me. How can I tell him this. I need him and my brothers here for me. I need to tell them what I have been hiding for the last three months.

"No." I whispered in my phone. Tears fell faster and ran down my face.

"It's okay sweetie. I'm on my way. Tell me where you are and I'll be there I promise. Just me and we'll be there."

"Mercy Hospital." There was a pause on the phone. I hear him mutter a couple curse words under his breath. 

"Hold on baby girl. I'm coming. Okay. I'm gonna call everyone else." I didn't protest like I usually would have.

"Just hurry." I whispered again.

I hung up the phone and closed my eyes. I wanted him and Luke to be here right now. I wanted Tucker to hold me. I need my snuggle bear.  I needed someone to look at me and not think of me as a monster. 

I leaned back in bed and closed my eyes. I would be here for a while. I must have slept for a good couple of hours when one of the nurses came in to get my vitals. They gave me a couple of pain killers and zofran. After that I fell back asleep. 

When I woke up the second time there was some one else in my room. His back was turned to me but I knew it was Dustin. He was wearing jeans and a flannel shirt. His hair was a mess. He's leaning against the window looking at the outside.  I tried to talk but all that came out was a squeak. I reached for my water as he turned and looked at me.

"Thank God, you're awake. You scared the shit out of all of us." He said as he walked over to me. I set my glass down on the table and reached out to him. He sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled me to him.

"What happened sweetie? Luke and I need to know so that we can help you out honey. Oh god you  scared me. I got here and you were passed out. Nobody knew anything and then They said that you hurt and that you came in with another girl."

'I was in a car accident with Mia and there's something else....' My voice trailed off and I started to cry. I sobbed into his shirt. He just rubbed my back for a little while. Then everybody came in. Well at least all of my brother. Luke rushed over to me.

"Oh god monkey, why didn't you call someone? We would have been here. All of us would have been here. That doesn't matter now, what matters is that you're okay?"

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