8. Call goodbye

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Kara pov

Even though i had called in late, Ms. Grant still gave me a hard time because it didn't have a whole five days pre warning. The fact that she's mad when i'm not in is because deep down she cares about me, even if she can't say my name right. At least that's what i tell myself to feel better about it.

But as i work throughout the day i get the feeling i should have called in sick instead. Because no matter what i do, i can't stop thinking about Y/n. And that dream. How her heart had speed up when she came out of the bedroom. It had felt so real that for only a second i thought it was.

It's not like it was the first dream i ever had of her, but however, it was the first that felt like true reality. Maybe because it has felt like something has changed between us during the last few weeks. I don't know what but it's definitely something good.

I knew she had curled up at my side in the bed during the night too, and i know i had let her do it, because i have the faintest memory of pulling her into me. And based on how we woke up, tangled in each other, with my hand on her back... underneath her shirt. And no matter how much it hurts my heart to know that my dream will never be real, i still let it happen. Because even when she decides to start date again i know i have found the throne of the friendzone.

My phone buzzes in my hand as i realise i had been daydreaming up by the coffee machine. The name on the screen brings an immediate smile on my lips as i take my tea, answer the phone and head back towards my desk.

"Hi, everything okay?" I ask, not like it would be the only reason for her to call me. But based on last night, and the fact that she usually can't call me while at work.

"Everything is fine Kara, i got a delicious breakfast, remember?" And i can hear her smile, even though i have a feeling that it's strained.

"Yes, of course." I mentally slap myself for sounding so desperate, but decide to continue the conversation. All to talk to her. "So to what do i owe this call?"

"Oh, i just wanted to tell you that i'm going back home for the weekend a little earlier, my shift got cut short." And i can't help but wonder why. Had something happened at work to cause her to leave earlier.

"Why don't you stay with me for the weekend instead, we can do something fun together." I just don't want her to be alone when she's not feeling that good. Weather it's mentally or physically.

"I'd love to but i really miss my own bed, my own house. I need to get back at least for the weekend." It's not like i didn't know she'd go home this weekend, i just thought i'd see her for an early dinner before she left. But now it's even before lunch. "Don't worry about me, i'll see you monday again."

"How about i come with you instead, you know, i've never seen your house." I don't even know where it is really. Only that her mother gave it to her before she died.

"Kara, are you sure that you are okay?" She asks and i realise how it must sound. "You know i can take care of myself, right?"

"I know, but maybe i don't want to be alone this weekend."

"Sweetheart, we'll both be fine and see each other in three days." I really don't want her to be alone, especially not when i'm not close by. "I can probably swing by for a breakfast if you want, before we're both off to work again."

"Sure, i'd like that." I look down at my desk as i take a disappointed breath. "Call me if you need anything, or just want to talk."

"I will, you do the same."


"Great, i love you and i'll see you monday again."

"Yeah, love you too." And with that we hang up. I know it's obsessive, but knowing her as i do, she shouldn't be alone right now. Especially in a place i don't know where to find her.

And i do trust her enough to call me if it gets really bad, or at least call Lena. But even though i know that she can take care of herself, that she is allowed to go home to her own place from time to time,... that she is not mine to take care of.

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