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Moonbyul POV

I'm so tired these days. Busy working on my new album and Asia Tour concert. I'm always wondered what my fiancé is doing every day since we are not meeting or contact a lot these days because she is also busy with her schedule, Theater and recording some TV Shows. Honestly, I'm missing her so much and couldn't wait to meet her soon.

After packing my bag and luggage, I headed to the Tokyo airport with my managers after finishing my last day of solo concert in Tokyo, Japan. I've texted my fiancé stating that I'm staying one more day in Japan even though I'm not. I just want to make a surprise for her since tomorrow is our 5th anniversary. As expected, she replied my texts with a sad emoji.

Actually, I've already made a reservation for a romantic candle light dinner for tomorrow night to celebrate our 5th anniversary together including plan to propose her in an exclusive hotel. I can't wait to make her my wife after what we have already went through together all these years. She is the only one who I can consider as my safe place. She is my home and will always be.

"Missing your loved one huh?" My manager asked as she smirked when she saw me smile like a fool.

"Of course. I miss her so much. Can't wait to meet her."

"She calls me asking if you are coming back today..."

"Oh really? What did you say to her?" I asked.

"As you wish before, keeping your secret plan."

"Thanks unnie. I owed you a lot."

"Yeah, treat me something..."

"What do you want?" I cutely frowned.

"Treat me foods on your wedding." She smirked.

I blushed so hard. "Soon. Just wait for it."

We both are chatted a few things about our personal and business life. After 2 hours and half, we safely landed on Incheon Airport. I'm wearing mask and sunglasses and trying to avoiding fans which are already waiting for my arrival at the airport. I don't want them to blast my arrival in Korea on internet since my fiancé will read the news sooner or later and it will definitely ruin all my plans for our anniversary.

My manager is trying to cover me up and let me ride the car, heading to my apartment after successfully avoiding some fans.

"Thanks a lot unnie. I will treat you lunch day after tomorrow."

"It's okay Byul. It is my job to protect you. You don't have to worry about it."

"Thanks again."

"So, are you heading to your house? Not her?" She concernedly asked.

"No, I'm going to her place tonight and spend the rest of day at her apartment."

"Good idea. Just get some rest. You haven't had enough rest for this half of year."

"Yeah... I really need some sleep. I can't meet her, looking tired like this. It will ruin some moments with her soon." I sighed.

After one hour travelling from Incheon Airport to my apartment in Seoul, I finally stepped in my apartment after so long working on my first solo concert outside Korea. I entered my room and lay down on my comfy bed. As soon as I closed my eyes, my phone suddenly chirping. I take my phone out of pocket and opened Kakaotalk app. I read a text coming from my fiancé.

+ Babe, are you really not coming home today?

I type the text and send to her.

- No babe. I'm so sorry.

+ Why? Your solo concert is already come to an end. What are you waiting for, Moonbyul ssi? Are you not missing me, your own fiancé?

- You know here in Japan there are so much pretty girls asking me out. So, I've already make a promise to some other girls to go and get some drinks with them tonight.

+ Are you really fucking serious, Moonbyul ssi?!!?!?!? Where are you now? I'm coming to you soon.

I giggled while read her text. My fiancé is such a jealous person. I really love to tease her especially on this issue.

- Babe, relax. I will be coming home tomorrow morning. I've already informed my manager. So, I'll meet you tomorrow, okay?

+ Suit yourself. But don't you ever think that I will allow you to touch me after this.

- Babe, that is not fair.

+ You are the one who choose this, Moonbyul. Get ready to face the consequences.

- Babe, don't do this to me. I'm just meeting them and have some drinks together.

Fortunately, she reads my messages but didn't bother to reply to it. I sighed.

'You are the one who plan on this, Byul. You have to face it no matter what. Otherwise, your cute baby bunny will turn into a grumpy dragon overnight.' I talked to myself.

After a few minutes battling between my own feelings and decisions, I fall asleep. 

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