Candle Light Dinner

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Moonbyul POV

After Yongsun went to the office, I hanging a beautiful black of shoulder dress that I bought for her when I'm still in Japan in her room before I go back to my apartment and practicing to deliver a proposal to marry my beautiful fiancé, Kim Yongsun. I walk back and forth as I feel so nervous to propose her tonight.

'What if I ruin everything and she denies my proposal?' I talked to myself.

All the negative scenarios keep repeating in my head. I'm just hoping that everything went well tonight. After keep practicing so many times, I fall asleep. I wake up after I heard my phone ringing so loud on the table beside my bed.

I take my phone and answer the call without seeing the caller ID.

"Byul, how are you? Have you already back to Korea or you are still in Japan?" My mom voice can be heard over the phone.

"Omma, I've already come back to Korea yesterday. Why?"

"Oh, why you didn't tell me?"

"I'm so sorry. I'm so tired after travel around Asia for my solo concert. I thought I want to call you tomorrow but you call me first today..."

"How's your solo concert?"

"Everything is fine. A lot of fans come to support my solo concert. I'm so happy."

"Glad to hear that."

"Anyways, why do you call me?"

"I want you to come home and have dinner together with us. Your sisters are also coming back home to have dinner too."


"Tomorrow night."

"Okay, omma. How are you? How about appa?"

"I'm fine as well as your father. We just missed you so much."

"I miss you guys too. I'll be back home as soon as possible. Maybe I'll back to Bucheon tomorrow morning so that we can spend more time together."

"Sounds good. Anyways, bring Yongsun with you as well. I miss her too."

"Will do. Anyways omma, I got to go. Today is my anniversary with Yongsun. I want to go and celebrate with her tonight..."

"Oh really? Propose her as well. I want you to tie the knot with her as soon as possible. I can't wait to have her in our family soon." My mom always sounds excited when it comes to Yongsun.

"That is what I plan for tonight. I want to propose her but I don't know if she will accept my proposal or not."

"Byul, don't think about it. Yongsun loves you so much. I bet she will accept your proposal as soon as you opened the box of diamond ring that you showed me last time."

"I hope so. Pray for me as well, omma. I hope she will accept it right away.

"I will. Tell Yongsun, I missed her so much."

"Alright... I got to go omma, see you soon." I hung up after bid a goodbye.

I get out from the bed and went to the shower room. After done, I dry myself before I'm wearing a casual checkered suit, a white buttoned shirt inside with a pair white sneaker. I glanced over the wall clock. It is already 6.40 pm. I take the box of diamond ring, my car keys and wallet before headed to Yongsun's apartment.

A bouquet of white and red roses that I bought earlier is already in the hotel room as well as a box of necklace pendant that I bought few days ago in Japan. I asked the hotel staff to prepare everything for me to surprise her soon.

I dial to Yongsun number and within a second, she picks up my call.

"Hey baby, I'm on my way. Are you ready to go now?"

"Yes. I'll be waiting for you at the basement."

"Alright. See you soon. Love you..."

"I love you too."

I hung up as I drove away, heading to her apartment. 15 minutes later, I safely arrived at the basement and I saw Yongsun already waiting for me at the usual place. She looks so gorgeous and classy with the black off shoulder dress with long sleeves that I bought for her. I immediately get out from the car and opened the passenger door for her.

"Hey baby... You look so beautiful." I kissed her cheek.

"You as well, babe. Let's get in the car first. I want to kiss you so bad right now." She bites her lips.

"Me too." I smirked.

We both get in the car hurriedly. As soon as I closed the door, Yongsun grabbed my face and catch my lips. Our lips pressed together slowly. I could taste our shared breath, feel the thud of our combined heartbeat. We parted our lips and looking for the air as we panted together.

"I love you so much, babe." She lovingly looks into my eyes.

"I love you too, baby. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you soon."

"Proposed me then."

"I will but not now."

She frowned. "Don't you want to get married soon?"

"I want but let's focus on our career first." I lied.

"Fine! But don't take too long or else, I will change my mind." She crossed her arms.

"I will baby. Let's go now. We have a lot of things to do tonight." I intertwined our hands as I drove the car away headed to the hotel.

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