Love you

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WARNING!! 18+ Content ahead.

Moonbyul POV

I went to the kitchen and cook dinner for us while waiting Yongsun to take a shower. I opened the fridge and take out the chicken that I bought earlier and start cooking. Half an hour later, braised chicken stew is done with grilled mackerel on the side.

"Babe, have you already done cooking? I'm so hungry." She asked.

"Yes, baby. Just sit down. I will prepare the table."

I take out a portable stove and put on the table with a pot of braised chicken stew on it.

"Smell so good, babe. I can't wait to taste it." She sits down at the dining table before I bring the food to her.

"Let it boil for a while then it is ready to eat."

I take few side dishes out of fridge and put on plate and bring it to the table. I sit down in front of her as we ready to eat dinner together.

"I'm always hoping that we can have dinner together every night." She pouted.

"I'm sorry. I'm so busy lately but I can promise you that we will have dinner together for the rest of this month." I smiled.


"Ten thousand time promises, baby."

She smiled. "Thank you."

"Anyways, let's watch movie tonight. You choose."

"Besides that, what else do you want to do?" She asked.

"We can go out and eat ice cream if you want." I said as I take a cooked drumstick and put it on her plate.

She just nodded.

"What else do you want to do, baby?" I asked again.

"Nothing, I'm just want cuddling and sleep beside you."

"Consider it done."

We are having dinner while chatted about our next plan. We talked so much things till we didn't realize it is already 10 pm. Yongsun wants to have a bingsu so we go out for a while before we come back home to watch movie together. After half an hour choosing a movie without watching it, we decided to sleep since we both are mentally and physically tired from working for almost every day.

"Babe, let's just sleep. I'm so tired." She groaned as soon as we both lay on her comfy bed.

I try to tease her with kissing and licking her face as if I'm her puppy, trying to get some attentions from the owner.

"Do you really want to sleep right now, baby?" I kissed both of her cheeks.

"Byul, if you don't stop right now, we are going to have a long night ahead." She warns.

"I don't mind since this is part of my plan." I smirked.

I tilted my head to get a proper access to her mouth and kissed her fully. Her lips parted as I accept the invitation to explore her mouth. We both couldn't keep our hand off each other's body as she tries to take off my shirt but fortunately, my hand is fast than her.

I slip my hand in her shirt and touched her body. I put my hand over her bare breast and she slowly moaned in between our mouth.

"Babe, I need you now..." She parted our lips.

"How fast I turned you on." I smirked.

"Please Byul, I want to feel you, babe."

We both take off our shirt and pants. The only thing that left is our underwear. I lowered my body onto her, crushing our breast together and invaded her mouth with my tongue. I kissed her lips, then her cheeks way down to her neck.

I kissed my way further down her stomach and she gives me the cutest giggles when I circled her breast. I trailed my tongue down and stopped between her legs. I take of her underwear and her pink pussy is in front of my face now.

"You look amazing, baby." I compliment her.

She moaned as I kissed her pussy slowly.

"Byul, please..."

I put my hands on her thighs and spread her legs. She bent her knees so that I can see bigger picture of her pussy. My head down in between her legs and slowly, tip of my tongue touch her pussy. Suddenly her hips bucked up and make my tongue dove as deep as it could inside her.

"Oh fuck.. Byul!!" Yongsun squealed as my tongue fucked her.

I held her hips down and pressed my face into her pussy. My tongue is slowly licking her inside and out before diving in again and again.

"Fuck byul, it is so good!!"

I pulled slightly away and licked her juices that were all over my tongue and chin.

"Byul, please insert your finger now. I can't hold any longer..."

My fingertip found her clit as I pushed my two fingers inside her.

"Oh fuckk... Byul please..."

Her inside muscles gripped my fingers so tight as I move in and out roughly. Realising how near I was to pushing her over the edge, I put another finger and pushed them inside her again with my lips closing over her clit. Her back arched as she squeezes her beautiful eyes closed and chased her climax.

"Byul, I'm cumming now...." She moaned.

Her cum rushed past my fingers which are still wedged inside her. After a few minutes, her pussy released my fingers and she flopped back, and her head bounced on the pillow while she panting.

"I love you, baby." I licked my fingers while staring lovingly at her.

"I love you too, Byuntae." She smiled before she closed her eyes.

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