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Yongsun POV

After finishing some photo-shoot, I headed home with my manager. After she dropped me off, I entered the building and went straight to my apartment which is on level 15.

Fortunately, my mom is staying with me this week since Yonghee unnie is busy as well as her husband. So, my mom decided to stay with me instead of her. As soon as I entered the house, I smell something good. I know my mom already cook lunch for me as if I'm still her little girl.

"Thanks omma." I smiled as I'm busy smelling my favorite dishes.

"Go and change your clothes. Let's eat together."

I hurriedly change my work clothes to my comfy white baggy shirt and short pants. I ran over to dining table without remove my make-up.

"Aigoo, are you really hungry honey?" My mom asked.

"Yes, omma. I haven't eaten anything today." I started to eat the foods that made by my mom.

"I've told you to eat the breakfast that I made for you this morning but you said you are already late for the photo-shoot." My mom started to nag.

"I know. I'm sorry for that. It will not happen again."

My mom rolled her eyes as she doesn't believe any of my words. "Anyways, Yonghee said she will pick me up this evening. So, I'll be staying at her house next week."

"You said you want to stay here for a few more days?" I asked, munching ripe kimchi.

"Yeah, but since Yonghee said she already coming back in Seoul this afternoon so I've decided to stay at her house next week."

I sighed as I drank half glass of water.

"Why?" My mom asked.

"So, I have to make my own breakfast tomorrow morning since you will go to Yonghee unnie this evening..." I pouted.

"How about Byul? You said she will be coming back to Korea today. Ask her to stay with you this week. Plus, she is your fiancé. She will definitely accompany you, honey."

"She makes something that annoyed me. I don't want to see her face this week."

"You are the one who falls in love with her so accept her as she is."

I sighed. "You are always on her side."

"Yeah it is because she is my favorite person. Is there any problems with you?"

"Omma, I'm your daughter, not her." I frowned.

"Yeah, but she will be my daughter in law soon. Be prepared." My mom smiled.

I frowned while looking at my mom who loudly giggling. She gets the teasing attitude from Moonbyul, my fiancé after spending so much time with her. Sometimes, I get really annoyed when they both in my house and tease me on something that I don't like. But honestly, deep down in my heart, I felt so happy after seeing their bond get stronger from time to time.

Actually, when we announce our relationship to both of our family, we didn't think that both of our parents can easily accept our relationship because it is still a taboo in Korea. They told us to do whatever that makes us happy. Plus, our parents already saw how strong our bond is. So, they told us to continue our relationship even though we haven't announced to the public yet.

After finished eating lunch with my mom, Yonghee came and pick my mom. So, I'm all alone at home. I'm make myself busy with the house chores since Moonbyul hasn't come back from Japan yet after finishing her solo concert in Tokyo yesterday. I don't know why but I'm being a possessive fiancé towards her lately. I know she only loves me but I can't stand looking at other girls who is busy flirting with my handsome and charming fiancé whenever they got chances.

After I finishing doing laundry and get ready to go to the office, my phone suddenly ringing. I ran over to living room and pick up the call without seeing the caller ID.

"Hey babe..." Moonbyul's voice greets me over the phone.

"What do you want?"

"Do you miss me?" She asked.


"Really? Too bad because I miss you a lot, baby."

My heart suddenly melts hearing her saying that but I need to act like I'm still mad at her. I don't want her to think that I'm an easy girl who can forgive her easily after what she has done to me.

"What do you want? I'm busy now."

"What are you doing? Laundry? Have you eaten your lunch?"

"None of your business."

"Hey, are you still upset about that?"

"No, I'm not."

"Then, why are you acting like this? I know you for years, Yong. Don't lie to me, please."

"Then if you know me so well, why are you asking me the same question again and again?"

"Fine, I know you are not in a good mood. I'm sorry okay? Have a good day, Yongsun." She hung up the phone.

"What the hell?!!?!?!" I shouted as I throw my phone on couch.

She is really testing my patience.

'Just wait, Moonbyul. I will return the favor soon.' I felt like a fire burning in my head right now.

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