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Yongsun POV

I wake up this morning after we have a long and hot night. We both went rough after we have been busy with our own schedules. Honestly, I felt so satisfied after she fulfilled my needs last night.

I get out from the bed as I left Moonbyul, who is still sleeping soundly and went to the shower room quickly. I take a shower before I wear a white baggy shirt and short pant. After done, I went to the kitchen to make breakfast for us since it is almost 10 am.

As I'm busy preparing the breakfast, I felt a pair of arms wrapped on my waist.

"Baby, why you did not wake me up huh?" She said as she put her chin on my shoulder.

"I saw you sleeping so deep, so I don't want to disturb."

"Do you already take a shower?" She asked.

"Yes. Why?" I take 2 plates and put aside.

"You smell so good." She kissed my neck.


"Hmm, why?"

"Let's eat the breakfast first. I've already cook for us." I groaned.

"Then, let's continue what we already did last night."

"No." I put kimchi fried rice in both plate.

"Why?" She frowned.

"I need to go to the office today. I have another song to record, babe."

"So, you will leave me alone here?" She asked as she released her arm on my waist.

"You can come if you want..."

"No, thank you. I want to get enough rest since today is our anniversary." She smiled.

"Happy 5th anniversary, babe!" I pecked her lips.

"Happy anniversary too. I love you so much, Yong."

"I love you too."

"Let's eat. I need to go to the office at 12 pm."


We both sit down and have a breakfast together. After breakfast, Moonbyul helped me cleaning the kitchen while me, busy getting ready to go to the office to record songs for my next album. She insisted on staying at home instead of going to the office with me. I guess, she is still tired from travelling around the Asia for her solo concert.

"Byul, I will go first. I will be coming home at 5 or 6 pm babe." I said.

"Okay. Don't be late. I have plan for us tonight." She pecked on my lips.

"What plan?" I asked, just to see her reactions.

"To celebrate our anniversary, baby. I made a reservation at 8 pm. So, finish your work early so that we can go there before 8 pm."

"Noted. I'll see you this evening." I smiled.

"Alright. Bye and take care."

"Love you." I shouted before closed the door, not waiting her reply.

I rushed to the basement and my manager is already there, waiting to pick me up.

"Unnie, I'm so sorry. How long did you waited?"

"Not so long. I've just arrived."

"Oh really? Let's go."

Half an hour later, we safely arrived at the company and I went straight to the recording room. I started to record few songs and improvised. After I'm done recording, I went to the meeting room and have discussions with planning team for my next album. While we busy having discussion, they ordered lunch and we all eat together before continue what we have already discuss.

I glance to the wall clock and realize it is already 5.30 pm. I take my phone out of the bag and saw a few missed calls from Moonbyul. She must be upset since I didn't take any of her calls. I unintentionally ignore her call since I'm super busy today. I ended the meeting and adjourn to the next week.

I called my manager and stated that I want to go back home now. She said she already waiting at the car and I rushed to the basement before we headed home. In the meantime, I texted Moonbyul that I'm on my way home so that she won't be upset after I didn't pick any of her calls.

Thankfully, she replied my text with 'I'll be waiting for you at home.' I felt so relieved after she replied my text as if a big stone left my shoulder within a second.

Half an hour later, I safely arrived at the building. I rushed to my apartment and went inside. I take off my shoes and walked slowly.

"Byul, I'm home."

Yongkeey come and greet me at the front door.

"Yongkeey, where is Byul? Did she already left?" I asked.

I went inside my room, followed by Yongkeey behind me. I saw a black off shoulder dress hanging at the wall with a note on it. I take the note and read it.

Baby, please wear this dress for tonight. I will pick you up at 7 pm soon.


I smiled while looking at the dress. She really has an expensive taste when it comes to our outfits. I put my bag aside and went to the shower room to get ready before Moonbyul come to pick me up at 7 pm soon.

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