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Moonbyul POV

I suddenly wake up after I heard raining noise outside. My eyes darted on wall clock which is showed time now.

'It is already 2 pm.' I talked to myself.

I went to shower room to take a shower. Finished showering, I take my phone and dial Yongsun's number. She picks up the phone almost immediately but it seems like she still mad on the idea of me hanging out with some other girls.

"Then if you know me so well, why are you asking me the same question again and again?" She said.

"Fine, I know you are not in a good mood. I'm sorry okay? Have a good day, Yongsun." I hung up the phone, not wanting to argue.

I need to think another plan to tackle my sulky fiancé. I called Yongsun's manager and asking if Yongsun has another schedule this evening. She stated that Yongsun will be going to the office this evening to record her new solo song and might be coming home late.

I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. Unfortunately, nothing is there. I take my phone and ordering foods from nearby restaurant. While waiting for the food, I went to the kitchen and doing laundry. Half an hour later, they delivered my ordering. I sit down at the living room, having a late lunch before I get ready to go to Yongsun's apartment to prepare something to suprise her after been away from her for almost half year.

Honestly, I felt so nervous as if I'm meeting my first love on the first date. I entered the pin code and slowly stepped inside the house.

Her scent is now wrapping my nostrils as I opened her room.

I take her bunny, stuffed animal toy on the bed and smell her scent. 'Urgh, I miss you so much baby. I can't wait to see you soon.'

I put down a big paper bag, contains rose petals, scented candle, a bouquet of 100 roses which I bought at the usual flower shop that I've always ordering some flowers for Yongsun.

Now, it is already 5 pm. I need to prepare everything before Yongsun come home. Her manager is already informed me that Yongsun will be coming home at 8 pm.

I take out the box of rose petals and arrange it in full of heart shape on her bed. For the scented candle, I put on the floor starting from the door along to her bed. While I'm busy arranging the candle, my phone rings.

"Hello, unnie."

"Byul ssi, Yongsun might be coming home late." Her manager said.

"Why? You said she will be coming home at 8 pm." I curiously asked.

"She is going to meet her old friend at the Over the Rainbow Café at 8 pm. She said she might be late. So, she asked me to pick her up at 10 or 11 pm."

"She is meeting whom?"

"Chorong and Irene..." She said.

"Why is so sudden she meeting them?"

"I heard she wants to do collaboration with them for the next album. So, she is meeting them to discuss about it." She explained.

"Okay. Thanks a lot unnie. Please inform me when you already pick her up from the café."


I hung up. After I done arranged candle and petals in her room, I went to the living room and play with Yongkeey, my fiancé's dog. Half an hour later, I take my car keys and wallet to go to the nearest supermarket to buy some groceries since I will be staying at my fiancé apartment for the rest of this month.

After I pick up some groceries and load into trunk, I went inside the car. Suddenly, my phone is chirping. I opened the message, sent by Yongsun's manager.

+ Byul ssi, Yongsun will be coming home at 8.30 pm. She cancelled the meeting with Chorong and Irene since both of them has an unannounced schedule.

'Shit!!' I swore inside.

I immediately rushed to the parking lot and drove away to Yongsun's house. After I parked my car, I entered the building and ran over to her house. I entered the pin code and stepped inside the house. Thank goodness she hasn't arrived yet. I put the groceries in the cabinet as well as in the refrigerator.

After finishing it all, I went to the shower room to take a shower before I wore a black silk pajama and put some perfume on both of my wrist and my neck. I sit on the couch in the living room and read some new message from Yongsun's manager stated that Yongsun will be arrived in 10 minutes.

I turn off the light and take all my stuff as I put it in other room. I don't want Yongsun noticed that I'm here since evening.

I hide myself in the guest room while waiting Yongsun. 15 minutes later, I heard the door opened outside and someone stepped inside the house. I heard Yongsun's voice calling her dog's name as she walking pass by the room that I occupied now.

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