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'Your mother is brave to do this.'

Paul looked up from the dates in his palm. His mother had been taken into the cave by the women who wore veils over their heads. He could only imagine what was going in there, but from his experience with the Bene Gesserit, Paul assumed it wasn't comfortable or pleasant.

While the ceremony happened out of sight, the Fremen settled in the sand beside the rock formation. They set up shade cloths, propped up by sticks, and discussed amongst themselves on whether the off-worlder would survive the poison.

Chani had chosen to sit with some of the women, while Sidra had made the bold choice of sitting with Paul. The Jedi could hear the small laughs and chatter to her left, but ignored it.No one wanted to sit with the two off-worlders under their shade cloth, so their closest conversation partner was Stilgar.

Leaning against one of the rocks, Stilgar had been sending some hushed prayers. Some of the Fremen around him were doing the same, creating a direct divide between those who believed something more was at play, and those who thought it was all stories and false hope.

'She was going to be a Reverend Mother before she had me. This isn't anything different,' Paul said, resisting looking at Sidra next to him. While he sat cross-legged, Sidra leaned on her palms behind her with her legs stretched out.

'I've read about the Bene Gesserit. All the Great Houses have an alliance with them, right? They believe that they will create the perfect specimen with generations of genetic breeding.'

Sidra realised that she was rambling but couldn't help it. When a subject she had read about was mentioned, she went into an excited recital. The archives inhabited her mind, filling it with knowledge of thousands of planets, histories, cultures and beliefs. The idea of so many diverse corners of the universe thrilled Sidra, and it made her so reliable as an educated and informed Jedi Padawan.

After her short ramble, all Sidra received, was a hum. She looked away from the cave and eyed Paul's side profile. He didn't look as thrilled as she was from the information, and Sidra felt foolish.

She knew enough about the Bene Gesserit tradition to see how it could cause discomfort for Paul. His mother was given the task of creating a female for House Atreides, where they would go on to repeat the process. This would continue until the Bene Gesserit believed that the time was right to create a male; the subject for a superior being. 

But it was obvious that Lady Jessica had fallen in love with Duke Leto Atreides, and produced a male too early. Paul was aware of this and had been treated as such his whole life. He was the heir to the Atreides throne but was a mistake on behalf of the almighty Bene Gesserit.

'I'm sorry...' Sidra pushed herself up to mirror his posture, guilty and feeling the need to fix what her ramble had caused. 'If it makes you feel any better, I sense that your mother is nervous, but okay.'

Paul turned his attention to the Padawan with an easing frown. This allowed Sidra to see the fading concern in his eyes, and the sagging of his intense shoulders. She liked the see his pale face light up with some colour, and his eyes sparkle at the mention.

'Really? You can sense that stuff?'

'We can sense anything that thrives with the Force. Some Jedi can sense things from planets and systems away.'

Sidra felt her chest inflate as Paul looked at her in awe. He looked almost cute with his wide eyes and parted lips. His black curls were a perfectly-styled mop over his ears and Sidra wanted to reach out and feel how soft they were.

A fidgeting feeling overcame her fingers and her cheeks grew warm. She became aware of the nasal tube on her lip, making her reach up to adjust it. Sidra wanted to appear casual in front of Paul while her nerves were over the edge. The overwhelming jitter came over the Jedi like when she stuttered in front of the Jedi Council, yet, Paul was merely looking at her.

Halcyon 🪐⋆。°✩ Paul Arteides ✩⋆。°🪐 / A Star Wars StoryWhere stories live. Discover now