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The Jedi and clones were given the night to rest. The Fremen were equally as accomodating to the new comers as they had been to Sidra. With futon-like beds in their own quarters, Obi-wan, Anakin and the clones didn't have to be told to switch off for the night.

Ahsoka was favourited by being able to sleep in Sidra's quarters. Unlike their usual selves, the two were silent as they laid down for the night. Sidra could have filled the Togruta with all that she had experienced with the Fremen, but when she saw her drooping eyelids, Sidra spared her the details.

The next morning, when the sun was still young, Master Obi-wan asked Sidra to speak to Stilgar. After two weeks of chaos, Sidra resumed her role as his trusted academic. He knew that she would approach the sietch's Naib with respect, perhaps even with the manners of a real Fremen.

'He wants to speak to me?' Stilgar repeated to Sidra in simple terms. The Jedi bowed her head in a nod while biting the inside of her cheek.

'Okay. I will call for the Sayyadina.'

Sidra almost protested. As Stilgar headed off to alert the religious leaders, Sidra dreaded the inevitable.

Since the previous day's confrontation, Sidra hadn't seen Lady Jessica or her son that morning. She was consumed with the arrival of her Master the night before, which had spared Sidra of resuming the uncomfortable conversation with Paul

She had been hoping to avoid the Atreides family, as her experience with the Sayyadina had flared something in the Jedi's fears. But as Naib Stilgar went to find the woman, Sidra deflated at the now unlikely possibility. 

However, Sidra had to remember her duties. Even after her time with the Fremen, she was still a Jedi. She had the responsibility of following her Master's orders and respecting the Fremen's traditions. If Stilgar requested for the Sayyadina's presence, then Sidra would have to deal with it.


The Fremen and off-worlders gathered in a large cavern. With a rock ceiling that echoed every boot scuff and mumble, the space was used for official gatherings and prayers.

The Sayyadina was covered in an array of drapes and beads. She sat on a cushion on the floor, while her handmaidens stood behind her with their heads bowed. 

Lady Jessica sat behind Stilgar, who had taken his place on the floor with his legs underneath him. Instead of stillsuits, him and the Fremen wore Jubba cloaks over some thin robes. Stilgar was the representative of his people and he faced the Jedi who requested his official presence.

The cavern was cool, ridding the need for stillsuits. Sidra had exchanged hers for the under-robes of her Jedi attire, and was stood beside Master Obi-wan. In the same thin robes, the Kenobi addressed the first person on Arrakis who seemed to be willing to listen.

'Your hospitality has been most welcoming, Naib-'

'Please, Master Jedi, my name is Stilgar. The formalities are not necessary.'

While Obi-wan adjusted to the man's casual approach, Sidra inched her chin over her shoulder. She spotted Ahsoka and Master Anakin, who stood to the right of the cavern. The clones of the 501st stood behind their general while trying to ignore the stares they received from the left. 

The Fremen ogled the men who held the same face, but kept their whispers behind cupped hands. 

On the left, Sidra spotted Paul and Chani in front of all those who wanted to witness the exchange. Luvis was amongst the crowd, but he had blended in with his people to the point of being near unidentifiable.

In the quick glance, Sidra met eyes with the curly-haired Atreides. He had been staring holes through the back of her head from across the space, and merely blinked when her eyes rested on his.

Halcyon 🪐⋆。°✩ Paul Arteides ✩⋆。°🪐 / A Star Wars StoryWhere stories live. Discover now