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The naming ceremony was held out in the desert. When night fell, the Fremen set up a tent that acted as a large room for those who wished to witness the sacred ceremony. 

Much to Sidra's surprise, most of the sietch ventured out in their stillsuits to witness the tradition. The mothers and their children weren't in attendence, neither was the Sayyadina. This soothed Sidra's nerves, as being in the presence of Paul's mother was never an enjoyable experience.

A fire was made in the middle of the high-ceiling tent and the Fremen gathered around. It wasn't a serious affair, as everyone chatted to each other in Chakobsa, creating a tranquil hum in the space. Their wasn't a worry for worms, as the tent was pitched within sight of the sietch. 

The atmosphere for the ceremony was ultimately relaxed and excitement-inducing.

Sidra and Paul were sat beside each other by choice and by instruction. Stilgar was sat at the head of the group as he was to initiate the off-worlders' new names. Beside him was his great-niece, who instead of holding a scowl at her uncle's loud manner, was seen enjoying herself.

'Have you thought about a name, yet?' Chani asked the young woman beside her. With their legs crossed, the girls had been talking excitedly, while Paul was in conversation with a Fremen next to him.

'I'm not sure... I think Paul has an idea, though.'

Paul turned at the mention of his name. With raised eyebrows, the boy flicked his changing eyes between the two. Chani leaned in to make sure that they were all in the conversation, while Sidra didn't dare move any closer.

She was aware of how close her and Paul already were. Their knees skimmed caps and his face was now inches from hers. In the dim lighting and the relaxed hum, Sidra was struggling to hold the blush within her cheeks at bay.

'I think it's a bit silly, so I'm not sure if I'm going to stick with it,' Paul said, fiddling with a stick that he had found in the sand.

'Nothing is silly. You just have to remember that the whole sietch will call you whatever you pick for life,' Chani replied with the hint of a smile. 'Drukhead still works, you know?'

Sidra let out a laugh and Paul held another offended look. Chani had been using the curse freely since learning its meaning. No matter how many times she said it, Sidra found it hilarious to hear from a Fremen. It almost excited Chani to use a foreign swear, and because of Paul's noble heritage and upbringing, he always dawned a look of surprise.

When Sidra found herself laughing, she treasured the moment. With the Order, Sidra only ever laughed with Ahsoka, and occasionally with the clones. There was so much seriousness on Coruscant that being with the Fremen was a breath of fresh air. 

Not only did Sidra notice the lack of fun she has when with the Order, but she had learnt new emotions on Arrakis. She had learnt the feeling of her stomach plummeting to her feet, and the heat of embarrassment on her cheeks. But it always seemed to only occur when around Paul. 

When she smiled or laughed, it seemed to always be in the presence of the Atreides. When he looked at her, she felt like she was on stage. Sidra felt the need to scan every space in the hope of seeing Paul, and when she did, she wanted to watch him all day. She would marvel at his curly hair and sharp jaw. Paul's straight nose and thin lips drew the Jedi's eyes across his features; something she had never done to anyone else before.

And when Chani mentioned being called their Fremen name for life,  Sidra thought about what it would be like to spend her life with the Fremen, and with Paul.

'We have come to this space this nightfall to welcome our off-worlders,' Stilgar's booming voice pulled Sidra from her marvelling of the moment. She straightened her back to force her attention towards right, all while aware of Paul's gaze skimming past her.

Halcyon 🪐⋆。°✩ Paul Arteides ✩⋆。°🪐 / A Star Wars StoryWhere stories live. Discover now