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Arrakeen had remained an eyesore while the Jedi had been in the desert. Luvis had been successful in leading the group over the dunes and back to the city, earning no complaints from Anakin and the clones this time around.

Unlike their quest to locate the Fremen, the journey back was much easier. There were no rock formations they needed to inspect. Instead, all they needed to spot were the large, ugly shapes that made up Arrakis' capital city.

The Harkonnen raised their solid borders to allow the familiar group into the governing complex. Ahsoka was looking forward to a shower and most of all, some water. 

Their supply had been wearing thin when they felt the rumble of surfacing sandworm, making their quick dash to the nearest solid structure in need of fuel. Obi-wan and Luvis were the only ones to have some water left in their pouches on their belts. But when the freezing air-conditioning of Arrakeen's complex graced their faces, the worry about rationing was over.

Mon vin Cuss was the first Harkonnen to address the group. As they pulled off the wraps from around their heads, the Jedi and clones let out gasps of relief from being out of the heat.

At the sight of the awaiting advisor, Luvis remembered his position. He kept the mask of his stillsuit over his nose while he shrunk to the side. The Fremen had enjoyed his time with the Jedi and clones, but Luvis knew the Harkonnen better than anyone.

Any sign of defiance and Luvis would say goodbye to ever seeing his people, again.

'I hope your journey had some success, Master Jedi,' Mon said, showing no sign of actually caring about their journey. 'His lordship is eager to hear about what you have achieved.'

'After we are given a moment, I'm sure we can find the time to discuss  the next step with the baron,' Obi-wan said through his sighs. He made a ball with his wraps and wiped at his forehead, swiping his soaked hair to the side. Before arriving on Arrakis, Obi-wan never knew that he could sweat underneath his thick beard.

'Of course, sir. Take all the rest you need in your quarters.'

Mon vin Cuss ducked his head into a bow with his eyes sliding shut. Anakin went to give orders to his clones about resting for the day, but the Harkonnen advisor spoke up once more.

'But I should inform you about the status of your clone captain. He has been imprisoned, along with the rest of his men.'


Anakin forgot about his dry throat and weak limbs. The dehydration that had plagued him throughout the journey back was now the least of his priorities. The Force thudded with the Skywalker's anger and if it wasn't for his ex-Master position in between them, Anakin would have taken Mon vin Cuss to the ground.

'Your captain was caught accessing confidential files in his lordship's quarters. If it wasn't for his nephew finding him, your captain would have committed the highest degree of misconduct.'

'You arrested Captain Rex?!' a clone cried, his sweating face red with fury. With his stillsuit's mask dangling by his neck, the clone went to step around his general, but refrained from going any further. 

'There's no way Rex would do that! You're out of your mind, you fraghead harpy!'

Just like her Master, Ahsoka was angry and offended. Captain Rex had never acted without orders. This had to be Feyd-Rautha's way of messing with the Jedi. He knew that they were there to settle the Spice conflict, and that frightened him. Feyd didn't want to lose his inheritance, so he must have framed Rex to get the Jedi off of Arrakis.

The group were seething, while Mon remained emotionless. Anakin and Ahsoka struggled to keep their army calm. They were beginning to spill past their positions with identical faces like thunder. It made it even more infuriating to have the Harkonnen stand like he just told them that their dinner had been postponed.

Halcyon 🪐⋆。°✩ Paul Arteides ✩⋆。°🪐 / A Star Wars StoryWhere stories live. Discover now