Part 2

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Lou?" Harry whispered, poking his head into Louis' office.

"Not now, Love," Louis said, not looking up from his computer. "Just scored that big client so I'm trying to get all the paperwork in so I get that check."

Harry nodded, sulking back out. An hour later Harry came back, holding his blanket and a stuffie. "L-Lou," He choked out.

Louis sighed. "Haz, please. I need to get this done. Just give me another hour or two," He said, waving him off.

Thankfully, Harry didn't come to disturb him anymore after that. Louis loved the lad and knew he needed lots of snuggles and attention, but he also knew how important it was for Louis to have time to himself when it comes to work. Louis reminded him before he went into his office how badly he needed to get the paperwork done as it was going to land them a huge check and allow Louis to take more time off.

Louis stretched his back down, powering down his laptop before leaving his office. He went into the kitchen, expecting there to be tea as Harry always has it prepared, but nothing was there. "Haz?" He called out. He wandered to their bedroom, but still didn't find Harry. He furrowed his eyebrows and continued to search the house until he noticed the door to the nursery ajar. He rushed in, seeing Harry sitting on the floor crying quietly. "Oh, Baby," he cooed, sitting down and scooping Harry into his arms, the younger lad now crying harder.

"Daddy!" He sobbed.

"I'm right here, Baby. Just breathe, yeah? Just like Daddy, watch me," Louis said, placing a finger on the tip of his nose to get Harry's attention on him. Harry slowly matched his breathing to Louis' until he calmed down. "There we go, good boy, so good for me," He praised.

Harry nodded, blinking away tears before leaning into Louis. "Daddy," He whined.

"It's alright now. How about we get you changed yeah? You want your favorite bear footies? The fuzzy one?" Harry nodded, holding onto Louis' neck as he stood up, carrying Harry to the changing table.

Harry's cheeks were still all red and blotchy from crying, his thumb was in his mouth- Louis didn't have the heart to scold him for it right now-, and he just looked so confused and scared. Louis gently got him out of his big clothes and into the fuzzy bear onesie. He pulled the boy's thumb from his mouth, quickly replacing it with a pacifier.

"There we go, let's go get you a bottle now, yeah?"

Harry nodded, clinging to Louis as he carried him downstairs. Louis just let the lad burrow into his neck while he prepared his bottle, making sure to warm it up and add honey, knowing he likes it best that way. "Daddy," Harry whimpered.

"It's alright. Daddy's here now," Louis assured. He settled himself onto the couch, maneuvering Harry in his arms so he was leaning back. Louis brought the bottle up to Harry's mouth, the lad sucking on it immediately. Though he kept squirming and trying to cling to Louis until eventually he started crying again as he tried to curl closer. "Baby, it's alright. You're going to make yourself sick if you don't calm down," Louis tried to soothe.

Harry continued to sob, his body shaking until he was coughing. Louis quickly sat him up and pulled him close, patting Harry's back. "Daddy!" Harry yelled, coughing harder until he spit up some.

"There you go, it's okay. Breathe baby," Louis said, continuing to pat Harry's back. He wasn't overly concerned with the mess right this second, wanting more to calm Harry down. "Hush now, okay? Daddy's right here."

Harry took another few moments, but he slowly calmed back down, only the occasional whimper leaving his mouth. He had himself completely wrapped around Louis when he stood up, carrying him up to their bedroom. "No!" Harry yelled, squeezing Louis tighter when he tried to set him down.

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