Part 13

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Hey bubs." Louis leaned down to his boyfriend sitting snuggled up in a blanket on the sofa, kissing him welcome.

"Hi daddy," he breathed out, "missed you." Louis hums, loosening his tie with one hand while the other cards through Harrys hair.

"Wanna go down?" He asked softly but Harry shook his head.

"Just missed you, is all." Harry pressed into the touch, eyes closing. "It's only been... 8 hours- shit sorry baby." Louis said with a glance to his watch.

"Is okay Lou, know that it's important." Louis sits down on the arm of the sofa, Harry immediately leaning his head against his thigh.

"Tell me about your day?" Harry shrugs.

"Woke up, ate some brekkie and did some work. Then I sat here and waited."

Louis sighs, tugging on one of Harrys curls. "What about lunch?" Harry didn't say anything but Louis understood anyway. He skipped lunch. "Any snacks or something for dinner?" Harry was quiet again, hiding his face.

"Baby," Louis sighs worriedly, "what am I supposed to do with you huh?"

Harry shrugs, turning his face to look up at Louis and blinking innocently. "Kissy?" He asks, testing if Louis is mad at him or not.

"You get all the kisses you want." Louis leans down, the angle is slightly awkward but he kisses Harry and the boy hums happily.

"Let me make you something." Louis stands up, Harry following him. He's wearing a soft jumper and socks, his panties sticking out when he stretches.

Harry grabs Louis outstretched hand, letting himself be lead into the kitchen.

"What d'ya want?" Louis asks softly, curling his arms around Harrys waist. "I don't care, not that hungry."

Louis kisses Harrys shoulder, swaying them gently and humming some Ballade under his breath. The past weeks have been extremely stressful for Louis, packed with long hours in the office and meetings he needed to attend so he cherishes every moment he can get with his boyfriend. Harry relaxes against Louis, his hands laying above Louis on his tummy.

"Tea?" Louis mumbles and Harry nods. "I can warm up some soup?"


"Sandwiches?" Harry shakes his head.

"Take out?"

"Unhealthy." Harry scrunches his nose making Louis chuckle. "Tell me what you want then. Anything."

"Cuddles." Harry tries, turning his face so it's tucked into the crook of Louis neck. The older boy tuts, pulling Harry away from him.

"Either you choose or I but either way, you're going to eat Harry." He says, voice stern. Harry reacts by dropping his hands from Louis body and looking down to his feet.

"You choose." He mumbles. "But uhm... not too much. 'M really not that hungry."

"We'll see. I'm going to make some pasta. Wanna stay with me?" Harry nods shyly, hands fiddling in a nervous manner.

"C'mere." In one swift movement, Louis has lifted Harry up on the kitchen counter, the boy squeaking and hissing as soon as his bare legs touch the cold counter.

"S'cold." He whines, putting his hands underneath his thighs. "Pants could help with that darling." Louis supplies while grabbing noodles. Harry pouts at him.

"Thought you liked my panties daddy." Louis looks at the peach coloured panties his boy is wearing, ignoring Harrys squirming from being looked at.

"I do," he hums. "Though I like everything you wear. Or not." Louis adds the last sentence as an after thought, making Harry blush a pretty pink.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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