Part 11

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Ready baby?" Louis looks over to Harry, their hands intertwined in Harry's lap as they both stared at the red door leading into Louis' home.

"Yes, of course I am. I love your family Lou." He replies softly, turning to smile at him.

"I know you do, and they adore you but-"

"It's fine Lou. I can make it through two days of utter chaos. It's home yeah?" Harry squeezes his hand, trying to convey that he truly is fine.

"Alright, you're right. And as soon as we're home you can go down. I might have bought some presents as well." Louis teased. Harry's cheeks turned pink at that, eyes going wide in curiosity and excitement.

"Really?" Louis nods, opening the door. "'Course, everything for my baby." Harry's eyelashes flutter close when Louis kisses him, a warm smile spreading on his cheeks.

Harry is quick to follow Louis outside though, glad when the older man puts an protective arm around his waist as he guides them up the few stairs leading to the door.

Louis hasn't even raised his fist fully to knock when the door bursts open and 6 pairs of eyes are staring at them before they fall into loud squeals. Louis, knowing how much this still overwhelms Harry, steps in front of him, shushing the girls (and Ernie) while hugging them all.

Harry watches with a fond expression, a desire to have a bond with Gemma like that tugging at his heart. He and Gemma love each other but they're not nearly as close as Louis is with his siblings.

"Girls, go away." Jay suddenly appears behind them and Harry relaxes some more at that. Jay is the mother Harry never had and she had welcomed him with open arms and always respected his boundaries, knowing when she could dig and when not, wether there was a head shake from Louis telling her to stop or her noticing on her own that the situation became too much for Harry because he started to stutter and fidget and squirm. She respected and accepted them and Harry.

"Come here my babies," she cooed, opening her arms wide enough to squeeze Harry and Louis in.

"Missed you two. You never visit me." She scolded Louis, flicking his ear.

"Mum!" He groaned, glaring at her and rubbing his ear making Harry chuckle.

"Harry baby, you look wonderful." Harry blushed, adverting his gaze.

"Thank you Jay." He whispered.

"Go get settled in, I already made your bed and I'm sure I can hold the girls back for a while if you want to take a nap or something?" Looking to Harry, Louis nods.

"A nap sounds great, thanks mum." Louis kisses her cheek before grabbing Harry's hand and leading him up the stairs into his old bedroom. They renovated it the last time they visited, exchanging the blue walls with a nice cream tone and the single bed with a double and Harry bought some decorations, making it look way more comfy.

Louis turned on the fairy lights as soon as they stepped in, letting his bag fall down in one corner, he or Harry could deal with that later.

"A nap sounds great." Harry yawns, already undressing and putting on one of Louis jumpers before crawling under the sheets.

He reminds Louis of a small kitten when he snuggles close to him and rubs his nose a few time against Louis neck, sighing contently and dozing off.

It doesn't take long before Louis falls asleep as well.

They are set to stay for two nights, driving back home after lunch on Christmas morning. IUsually, they'd go visit Gemma as well but she decided to go on a holiday with her boyfriend.

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